Traduzione per "han tratado" a inglese
Han tratado
Esempi di traduzione.
Otros han tratado, sin éxito.
Others have tried and failed.
Los italianos de hoy han tratado
"Italians of today have tried..."
Unas cuantas han tratado.
A couple have tried.
Ah, Milton. Tantos han tratado.
Ah, Milton, so many have tried.
Tres personas han tratado de matarme.
Three people have tried to shoot me.
Otros hospitales han tratado.
Other hospitals have tried.
Varios señores han tratado de reclutarle.
Various lords have tried to recruit him.
Creo que los americanos han tratado...
I think Americans have tried...
Guerreros mejores que tú lo han tratado.
Warriors greater than you have tried.
Muchos han tratado de atraparlo.
Many have tried and failed, including us.
Otros han tratado de salvarle. —¿Para qué?
Others have tried to save you.” “For what?
—Otros lo han tratado antes. Me protegeré.
“People have tried before. I’ll protect myself.
Algunas personas han tratado de matarte.
Some people have tried to kill you.
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