Traduzione per "había limpiado" a inglese
Había limpiado
Esempi di traduzione.
La camarera de la planta ya la había limpiado... estaba vacía.
The maid had cleaned it ... it was empty.
–Alguien la había limpiado.
Someone had cleaned it up.
Cuando volví a comprobarlo, alguien había limpiado la sangre.
When I went back to check it, someone had cleaned up the blood.
Lindsay había limpiado un cuarto y ahora tenía el problema de la basura.
Lindsay had cleaned one room and now had a garbage problem.
Ferenc había limpiado la cocina, y,
Ferenc had cleaned the kitchen, and,
Dice que su hija... se había limpiado los últimos meses.
She says her daughter had cleaned up over the last few months.
Usted lamentaría que regresara y descubriera que se había limpiado la cara.
You would regret my coming back and finding that you had cleaned your face.
Él se había limpiado, pero sólo del cuello hasta las manos.
He had cleaned himself up, but only from his neck up to his hands down.
Alguien lo había limpiado todo.
Someone had cleaned the location.
Sarah lo había limpiado con Windex.
Sarah had cleaned it with Windex.
Roberto la había limpiado perfectamente.
Roberto had cleaned it off well.
Yasmini había limpiado sus heridas;
Yasmini had cleaned his wounds;
La había limpiado y conservado adecuadamente.
He had cleaned and stored it properly.
Ya había limpiado toda la casa.
She had cleaned the whole house.
she had cleaned
al fin y al cabo, los había limpiado ella.
after all, she had cleaned them.
Le había limpiado el piso y había puesto allí el helecho.
She had cleaned the apartment for him and placed the fern there.
Comprobar lo recientemente que se había limpiado las uñas.
To check on how recently she had cleaned out the glop under her toenails.
El oculista era un antiguo cliente a quien ella le había limpiado la casa durante muchos años.
The eye doctor was a former client whose home she had cleaned for many years.
La casa que había limpiado ya no era suya, ni las sartenes, ni el fogón, ni las cucharas antiguas.
The house she had cleaned was no longer hers, the pans, the brazier, all the old spoons.
Muchas otras mañanas había limpiado el dentífrico, enjuagado el lavabo.
On so many other mornings, she had cleaned off toothpaste, rinsed out the sink.
Al fin y al cabo, ella lo había limpiado y reconfortado un poco, y eso le generaba cierto interés personal.
After all, she had cleaned him up and comforted him some, and that gave her a rooting interest.
¡Y pensar que había limpiado aquella casa miles de veces! —¿Estás bien? —le preguntó Zeitoun. Ella asintió.
To think she had cleaned this house a thousand times! “You okay?” he asked her. She nodded.
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