Traduzione per "ha admitido" a inglese
Ha admitido
Esempi di traduzione.
Tu cliente ha admitido el crimen.
Your client has admitted that they've committed a crime.
Ha admitido su culpa.
She has admitted her guilt.
J'Dan ha admitido su culpa.
J'Dan has admitted his guilt.
Ha admitido a más de 250 asesinatos.
He has admitted to more than 250 murders.
Ha admitido que ya no soy una niña.
Has admitted I'm not a child.
Un científico capitalista lo ha admitido.
Even a Capitalist scientist has admitted that.
él ha admitido que... hizo las copias
your brother has admitted
Ella ha admitido todo.
She has admitted everything.
¿Ha admitido que te desea?
-But he has admitted to his desire?
Tristan ha admitido que Sofus está muerto.
Tristan has admitted that Sonny is dead.
Ha reconocido los hechos, lo ha admitido, ha confesado.
She has owned up, she has admitted, she’s confessed.
Ahora que la princesa ha admitido su culpa al huir, será procesada de inmediato.
Now that the princess has admitted her guilt by fleeing, she shall stand trial at once.
¿Ha hablado? Todo el mundo se volvió hacia Watanabe. —Bueno, ha admitido ser un Insurrecto, sí.
Has he talked?”Everyone turned to Watanabe.“Well, he has admitted to being an Insurrectionist, yes.”
—He regresado para verte, papá —dice Jon, pensando: aunque sea negándolo, me ha admitido.
“I’ve come back to see you, Dad,” Jon said, thinking: Even denying it, he has admitted me.
El acusado ha admitido que el arma, que sabía utilizar, era, sin embargo «la única que he tocado en mi vida».
The accused has admitted that the gun, which he knew how to use, was nevertheless ‘the only one I’d ever touched’.
Por eso dejé que Nikola me convenciera de casarte con Karsten. Aunque ha admitido que fue idea de Auberta, no suya.
This is why I was so easily swayed to Karsten at Nikola’s urging, though she has admitted now that it was Auberta’s idea, not hers.
El alumno de sexto de primaria Jenaro González ha admitido ser el Niño Dios que predica los domingos en el cruce de Insurgentes y Quintana Roo.
Sixth grader Jenaro González has admitted to being the Boy-God who preaches on Sundays at the intersection of Insurgentes and Quintana Roo.
—Por lo que sé, el general Li ha admitido que Corea del Norte intentará lanzar el dado por última vez. Todo o nada. Se trata del Hwasong-20, que ya está en marcha.
Well, I understand General Li has admitted that North Korea is going for one last throw of the dice. All or nothing. The Hwasong-20.
La auténtica diferencia entre el Holocausto armenio y el Holocausto judío es, claro está, que Alemania ha admitido su responsabilidad, mientras que los sucesivos gobiernos turcos han optado por negar el genocidio armenio.
The real difference between the Armenian Holocaust and the Jewish Holocaust, of course, is that Germany has admitted its responsibility while successive Turkish governments have chosen to deny the Armenian genocide.
—Para ser una mujer digna de crédito, que ha admitido en mi presencia haber cumplido más de veinte años, tienes la mala costumbre de hablar a menudo como una adolescente. También yo he hablado con los médicos.
'For a grown-up woman, Adrienne, one who has admitted in my presence that she's over thirty, you have an untidy habit of frequently talking like an adolescent… And I've also spoken to the doctors.
he has admitted
Marshall no sostiene precisamente que Lorraine Elmore sea una persona adicta a las drogas, pero ha admitido ante los reporteros que era muy aficionada a un medicamento, a un somnífero, de enérgicos efectos, añadiendo que al salir de Boston se las arregló para conseguir que su médico se lo recetara en cantidad suficiente para que no le faltara en tres meses.
Marshall doesn’t exactly say that Lorraine Elmore is a dope fiend but he has admitted to reporters that she was addicted to a very powerful sleeping medicine; that when she left Boston she managed to get her doctor to give her a prescription that should have lasted her for more than three months.
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