Traduzione per "giros del destino" a inglese
Giros del destino
Esempi di traduzione.
Uno de dos pequeños giros del destino podrían haber resultado en ti siguiendo un camino distinto.
One of two small twists of fate could have resulted in your following a very different path.
Es uno de esos Giros del Destino.
It's one of those Twists of Fates. I set it off.
Todas representan retos y pruebas, los giros del destino.
They represent challenges and tests. Twists of fate.
Quizás es una buena manera de explicar los giros del destino y del azar que rigen nuestras vidas.
Maybe that's as good a way as any to explain the twists of fate and random coincidence that rule our lives.
¿Qué hay detrás de extrañas coincidencias e increíbles giros del destino?
What's behind strange coincidences and incredible twists of fate?
La vida se divide y une. Todos estos son giros del destino.
Life, separation and unions, all these are twists of fate.
Los llamamos Giros del Destino.
We call them Twists of Fate.
No quería que me dijeran que la vida es una serie de accidentes y giros del destino, tan presentes como vívidos pero, a la postre, confusos.
I didn’t want to be told life is a series of flickering accidents and twists of fate that were here and vivid but finally confusing.
A través de los diversos giros del destino que ya he contado, yo fui el elegido para sacar a la luz los logros del más destacado detective-asesor, y presenté no menos de sesenta aventuras a un público entusiasta.
Through the various twists of fate which I have outlined, I was the one chosen to bring the achievements of the world’s foremost consulting detective to light and presented no fewer than sixty adventures to an enthusiastic public.
Entre la élite de Roma hubo mucho chismorreo en torno a aquellas dos antiguas familias patricias y sobre los curiosos giros del destino que habían llevado a Publio Pinario hasta el consulado, la culminación de la fortuna de su familia, mientras los Poticio alcanzaban su punto más bajo con la desgracia de Tito Poticio.
There was much talk among the elite of Roma regarding these two ancient patrician families, and the curious twists of fate which had brought Publius Pinarius to the consulship, the pinnacle of his family’s fortunes, even as the Potitii reached their nadir with the disgrace of Titus Potitius.
Lo que ninguno de los presentes podía predecir es que cuando el sultán Murad muriera años después en una noche semejante a esa, entre aullidos del viento y gritos de los animales de la casa de fieras real, sus propios hijos —diecinueve en total— serían estrangulados con una cuerda de arco hecha de seda, para que no se derramase su noble sangre, y por uno de esos giros del destino serían enterrados en el mismo lugar que el arquitecto y el aprendiz habían construido.
What none of those present could foresee was that years later, when Sultan Murad died, on another night like this, as the wind moaned and the animals in the menagerie cried, his own sons – all nineteen of them – would be strangled with a silken bowstring, so as not to spill their noble blood, and, by a twist of fate, buried in the same place that was built by the architect and the apprentice. Before the Master
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