Traduzione per "famosamente" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Se pregunta si el representante del Sudán podría también indicar la fuente de sus cifras fantásticas relativas a las bajas palestinas. ¿Provienen de la prensa famosamente fidedigna y libre del Sudán?
He wondered whether the representative of the Sudan could also indicate the source of his fantastical figures concerning Palestinian casualties. Did they come from the famously reliable and free Sudanese press?
No resulta menos cómico recibir lecciones sobre los derechos humanos por representantes de países que son famosamente abiertos, liberales y democráticos, países en los que se niegan los derechos humanos y privilegios más básicos a la mujer y a veces se la circuncisa a la fuerza, donde el sistema de justicia es medieval y la libertad de palabra es un concepto mítico.
It was no less comical to be lectured on human rights by representatives of countries that were famously open, liberal and democratic, countries where women were denied the most basic human rights and privileges and were sometimes forcibly circumcised, where the justice system was medieval and freedom of speech was a mythical concept.
De hecho, es famosamente nada cool.
If anything, it's famously uncool.
Pero famosamente él vestía sobre sí solamente la ropa que tenía.
But he famously only wore on his back the clothes that he owned.
En serio, este país es famosamente corrupto.
No, seriously, this country is, like, famously corrupt.
Es famosamente llamado "El puente de la cerradura del amor."
It's famously called "The Love Lock Bridge."
El nuevo gobernador es famosamente moderno.
The new governor is famously modern.
Todos se llevan famosamente bien.
Everyone gets along famously.
Nathan está soltero, cuarenta años, y famosamente rico.
Nathan's single, 40, and famously wealthy.
El... el legendario, famosamente encantador Jason Hamilton.
The... the legendary, famously charming Jason Hamilton.
Sus filas incluían a Mark Twain, quien famosamente preguntó:
Its ranks included Mark Twain, who famously asked:
¿El que está famosamente ocupándose de las puertas?
Who's normally minding the gates famously?
Nedham tenía un estilo famosamente jocoso como redactor, tenía unos contactos y corresponsales magníficos.
Nedham had a famously jocular style as editor, with superb contacts and correspondents.
Pero si éste era famosamente mudo, Curly hablaba sin cesar, con chispa y libertad.
But if the latter was famously mute, Curly talked incessantly, wittily, and freely.
y, más famosamente, del Oráculo de Belfos, del que la Pitia era la sacerdotisa que profetizaba, una criatura de éxtasis y frenesíes.
and, more famously, of the Delphic Oracle, the Pythia being the prophesying priestess there, a creature of frenzies and ecstasies.
Cuando empezó la Guerra Civil, sir Lysander eligió su bando con el mismo espíritu que sir Ralph Verney, quien explicó famosamente:
When the civil war began, Sir Lysander chose his side in the same spirit as Sir Ralph Verney, who had famously explained:
“No es una simple máquina”, explica David a su amiguita Jennifer (atrevida, vivaz, deportiva), “es un sistema que aprendió a aprender, que puede aprender de sus propios errores”. En el clímax final de la película, luego de haber examinado absolutamente todas las variantes posibles de un juego de suma negativa sin estrategia dominante, NORAD comenta, famosamente: Extraño juego, Dr.
“It’s not just some machine,” he explains to his friend Jennifer (daring, lively, athletic). “The system actually learned how to learn.” In the film’s final climax, after having examined all of the possible variations of a negative-sum game with no dominant strategy, the NORAD computer famously comments, “A strange game.
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