Traduzione per "fácil victoria" a inglese
Fácil victoria
Esempi di traduzione.
Los invasores esperaban una fácil victoria.
The German aggressors expected an easy victory over our people:
Charlie, estabas viendo que la tribu comenzaba a... descomponerse y tal vez a punto de perder una fácil victoria.
Charlie, you realize that the tribe began a. .. collapse and perhaps to the point losing an easy victory.
Fácil victoria si una es reina y puede ordenarle.
An easy victory if one is a queen and may command it.
Borracho con fáciles victorias, Hitler se convirtió en lo suficientemente valiente como para marchar a sus tropas a la Unión Soviética.
Drunken with easy victories, Hitler became brave enough to march his troops to the Soviet Union.
¿En qué se ha convertido tu fácil victoria?
What has become of your easy victory?
A Lestat le sorprendió su fácil victoria.
Lestat was even surprised at such an easy victory.
Se mostraban ansiosos y su moral era alta, ya que daban por descontada una fácil victoria.
They were eager and morale was high: they anticipated an easy victory.
La cubierta estaba llena de infantes de marina excitados y sonrientes, colorados por la emoción de su fácil victoria.
The deck was filled with excited, grinning marines flushed with the thrill of their easy victory.
Después, excitados y confiados a causa de su fácil victoria, se habían instalado a esperar a la próxima víctima.
Then, flushed and overconfident with their easy victory, they had settled down to await their next victim.
Por lo menos el accidente sirvió para restablecer un poco la precaución que parecía haber desparecido después de la fácil victoria del día anterior.
If nothing else, it served to restore a quality of wariness that had seemed to vanish after the previous day's easy victory.
Era casi indudable que cuando la investigación terminase y la Organización de Michael Moretti fuese destruida, la elección presidencial iba a ser una fácil victoria para Adam.
There was little doubt that when this was over and Michael Moretti’s Organization was broken, the presidential race would be an easy victory for Adam.
Amory, tras una fácil victoria en el concurso organizado por el Pricentonian, ocupó la vacante del papel de «Boiling Oil, un teniente pirata».
Amory, after an easy victory in the first sophomore Princetonian competition, stepped into a vacancy of the cast as Boiling Oil, a Pirate Lieutenant.
Después, envalentonados por la fácil victoria, le sacaron un ojo y jugaron con él lanzándoselo unos a otros como si fuera una pelota y gritando: «¡Pásamelo!».
Then, made bold by their easy victory, they took his eye and played with it, throwing it back and forth between them as though it were a ball, crying 'I want it!
Para asombro de los guardias, que al atacar a los tres Poznikov habían confiado en una fácil victoria, la familia resultó ser una manada de tigres siberianos, o algo peor.
And to the amazement of the guards who had attacked the three Poznikovs, expecting an easy victory, the family turned out to be Siberian tigers, or worse.
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