Traduzione per "escrito en mano" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
58. En su reclamación inicial, el reclamante facilitó cinco facturas expedidas antes de la invasión en apoyo de diez de los cuadros, y una lista escrita a mano en un papel con membrete de una galería de arte de París, sin fecha y sin firma, en que figuraban los restantes cinco cuadros (entre otras obras de arte).
The claimant in his original claim provided five pre-invasion invoices in support of 10 of the paintings, and an undated and unsigned list that included the remaining five paintings (among other works of art) that was written by hand on the letterhead of an art gallery in Paris.
Eran palabras en alemán y escritas a mano—.
The words were in German and written by hand.
De los escritos a mano, no impresos a máquina.
The kind written by hand, not tape from a machine.
Estaban escritos a mano, con una tinta que no se había descolorido.
It was written by hand, in an ink which had not faded.
Porque Marda había escrito: su mano se había curado;
For Marda had written: her hand had healed;
La carta estaba escrita a mano, con la letra apenas descifrable de Rhinemann.
The letter was written by hand, in Rhinemann's barely decipherable script.
Era una carpeta con un montón de notas, escritas a mano con una grafía tortuosa.
There was a folder with a pile of notes, written by hand in a tortuous script.
Sus cartas eran breves y estaban escritas a mano, casi siempre de noche.
His letters were brief, written by hand, usually at night.
Salía impreso como escrito a mano, una fluida firma hecha con pluma.
It was printed as if written by hand, a flowing, fountain-pen signature.
Letra por letra fui iluminando palabras escritas a mano y en francés.
Letter by letter I illuminated words that were French and written by hand.
Todo estaba escrito a mano, y era la primera vez que veía algo así, salvo en un museo.
Everything was written by hand, and he had never seen that before, except in a museum.
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