Traduzione per "es transferido" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Información complementaria: por ejemplo, transferidas de, transferidas a
Supplementary information: e.g. transferred from, transferred to
Bienes transferidos o que están siendo transferidos a otras misiones o lugares
II. Property transferred or in the process of being transferred to other missions or locations
".... la propiedad es transferida..."
"...the property is transferred..."
Y el espíritu de Taarna es transferido por el universo a un nuevo defensor.
And the spirit of Taarna is transferred across the universe to a new Defender.
El más fuerte es asesinado y el alma es transferido dentro de un cuerpo.
The strongest is killed and the soul is transferred into the body.
El pago final es transferido a su cuenta.
Final payment is transferred to your account.
El Inspector Vijay Khanna es transferido..
ACP Vijay Khanna is transferred
Joon Young es transferido hoy.
Joon Young is transferring today.
Una vez que la energía neural es transferida, no hay vuelta atrás.
Once the neural energy is transferred there is no going back.
Si Malli es transferido a una institución mental del Estado, estará a salvo.
"If Malli is transferred to the state mental institution, he will be safe."
Un liquido corporal llamado "sudor" es transferido por sus poros.
A bodily liquid called "sweat" is transferred through his pores.
¡Pero me había transferido mucho!
But he had transferred so much!
—¿El transferido del último curso?
The senior transfer?
He transferido mi beca.
I've transferred my fellowship.
—¿Has transferido el pago?
“Did you transfer payment?”
Transferida desde Basingstoke.
Transferred here from Basingstoke.
Nos han transferido, comandante.
We’re being transferred, Commander.
Luego fueron transferidos a Malmö.
Then they were transferred to Malmö.
—¿Por qué? —He sido transferido aquí.
“Why?” “I’ve been transferred here.”
Te han transferido a Baikunyar.
You have been transferred to Baikunyar.
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