Traduzione per "es conde" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
—He aquí un escondrijo magnífico —dijo el conde.
"Here is a beautiful hiding place," said the Earl.
Destinado a perfumar un cuero español para el conde Verhamont.
With which to impregnate a Spanish hide for Count Verhamont.
No obstante, no podía seguir ocultándose del conde para siempre.
But she couldn’t keep hiding from his countship forever.
Había decidido no ocultar el hecho de que el conde Volger les había estado espiando.
He’d decided not to hide that Count Volger had been spying on them.
—No son los cañaverales lo bastante altos para cubrirnos, y además, la luna se eleva en el firmamento —dijo el conde—.
The reeds are not high enough to hide us and then the moon rises,
—Es inútil ocultároslo, señor conde; nos siguen. —¿Quién? —preguntó el corsario.
- It is useless to hide it from you, Count; we are chased. - From who? asked the corsair.
Deryn se arrodilló para calmarlo y para ocultar sus encendidos ojos al conde Volger.
Deryn knelt to calm him down, and to hide her burning eyes from Count Volger.
Philip comprendió que los tres habían estado ocultos allí desde la captura del conde Bartholomew.
The three of them had been hiding here since Earl Bartholomew was captured, Philip realized.
El conde Percy se removió en su asiento mientras Buckingham hablaba, sin lograr ocultar su impaciencia.
Earl Percy shifted in his seat while Buckingham spoke, failing to hide his impatience.
Durante el mes que Deryn había pasado escondida en Estambul, el conde y la doctora Barlow habían forjado una especie de alianza.
During the month Deryn had been hiding in Istanbul, the wildcount and Dr. Barlow had entered into some sort of alliance.
«¿Qué secretos esconderá el conde detrás de sus silencios?… O mejor dicho: ¿qué secretos desvelará?»
What terrifying secret did the Earl’s silence conceal? Or rather, what did it betray? “Perhaps you should continue,”
La mayor parte de la nobleza sin trabajo en la Tierra se encontraba allí, escondidos bajo sus títulos secundarios de duques o condes.
Most of the unemployed royalty of Earth were there, concealed under their secondary titles of duke or count.
Cuando ya empezaba a romper el alba se ocultaron en los bosques, detrás de los campos que se extendían delante del castillo del conde Bartholomew.
As dawn cracked the sky they concealed themselves in the woods across the fields from the castle of Earl Bartholomew.
La cara le había quedado casi al mismo nivel que la del conde, y no se preocupó de ocultar su curiosidad mientras lo miraba.
Her face was nearly level with the earl’s, and she did not bother to conceal her curiosity as she stared at him.
No debía cometer la estupidez de intentar ocultarle nada, sobre todo porque dudaba que al conde le importara que Hetwar le hubiera enviado a su hogar con el objetivo de espiarle.
As long as Ingrey was not so stupid as to pretend to conceal it from the earl, he doubted Horseriver would be much disturbed by the assignment to spy on him.
Se sentía mareado y no le cabía duda de que el conde lo sabía por el modo en que se sujetaba a la mesa, intentando ocultar el temblor de su cuerpo.
Staggered he was, and Wencel could doubtless tell it from the winded way he sagged against the table, for all that he clutched the edge to conceal any betraying shudder in his body.
Tampoco le confesé a mi colega -puesto que con ello me hubiese ganado su desprecio de científica- que el conde de Gwynedd, bien vivo, me interesaba muchísimo más que un Robert Fludd muerto.
I also concealed from my colleague one fact he would have sneered at from the dizzy heights of his learning: that it was the living Earl of Gwynedd rather than the dead Robert Fludd that had seized my imagination.
Ideó un mecanismo que se ocultase en el escritorio del conde, de modo que cuando el ladrón abriese el cajón se disparase una pistola, una garra hecha de agujas afiladas atrapase al ladrón por la mano y le marcara en el dorso la palabra voleur.
He worked out a mechanism to be concealed in the Count’s desk, so that when the robber opened it a pistol would be discharged, and a claw made of sharp needles would seize the thief’s hand and crunch the word ‘Voleur’ on the back of it.
El conde se asombró profundamente al enterarse de que Dick Butler era hermano de lady O’Moy, quedando un poco confundido por haber sido él, con su ignorancia, el portador de aquella noticia.
      The Count had been deeply shocked by the discover that Dick Butler was Lady O'Moy's brother, and a little confused that he himself in his ignorance should have been the means of bringing to her knowledge a painful matter that touched her so closely and that hitherto had been so carefully concealed from her by her husband.
—¿Está intentando ser poco claro intencionadamente, conde?
“Are you being obscure on purpose, Count?”
El verdadero asunto que se trataba de esclarecer —la exacta naturaleza de los móviles del conde— era en verdad muy complicado y oscuro.
The real question at issue—the precise nature of the Earl's motives—was indeed a complicated and obscure one.
Mi oscura existencia apenas puede interesaros. —Lo decís porque dejáis hablar a vuestra ignorancia — repuso el conde, soltándole al fin la mano—.
My obscure existence can scarcely matter to you." "Aha! There speaks your ignorance." His hand was at last relinquished.
Y Adriana, acercándose a mí mientras me conduce a través de la sala, me susurra algo que, con todo ese ruido, soy incapaz de entender con claridad y que, además, no me deja escuchar lo que Marcello Domiziano acaba de replicarle al conde.
And Adriana, leaning close to me as she leads me across the room, whispers something that amidst all the noise I am unable clearly to make out, but which obscures what Marcello Domiziano has just said to the Count.
El rey no se percató en modo alguno de estas chanzas, aunque claramente la intención de ella era que las oyera, pues estaba hablando gravemente con el conde de Kellie sobre una rara enfermedad que habían contraído sus halcones en las caballerizas reales del castillo de Windsor.
The King observed nothing of this raillery, though she plainly intended that he should, for he was speaking gravely with the Earl of Kellie about some obscure sickness that his falcons had taken in the Royal mews at Windsor Castle.
Unos tobillos extremadamente flacos, como lo era su cuerpo entero, pero con una cabeza masiva, grande pero curiosamente indefinida, como si un halcón se disfrazase de cuervo, pues debajo de las facciones artificialmente plácidas, se adivinaba otro rostro que el conde Vlad hacía lo imposible por ocultar.
His ankles were extremely thin, as was his whole body, but his head was enormous, extra-large but strangely undefined, as though a hawk had disguised itself as a raven, so beneath his artificially placid features, one could all but make out a deeper face that the count had, impossibly, managed to obscure.
—Cagliostro tiene un carácter histórico —replicó el doctor Fell, gesticulando con su pipa—, que siempre he detestado y, sin embargo, ocultamente admirado. El gordo italianito que revoleaba los ojos, ¡el descarado conde que pretendía tener dos mil años de edad por haber bebido su elixir de larga vida!
Fell He gestured with the pipe. "Now there is a historical character," he continued, "whom I have always detested and yet obscurely admired. The tubby little Italian, the eye-roller, 'Count Front-of-Brass,' who claimed to be two thousand years old from drinking his own elixir of life!
Apenas una semana antes habían abierto su pequeño puerto clandestino para que las falsas hadas del conde pudieran desembarcar en tierras irlandesas, pero para ellos seguía siendo sospechoso.
Although a week ago they had casually opened their small hidden harbor to land and dispatch Faelan's counterfeit fairies, he was still suspect in their eyes.
Con la barba roja agitándose al viento, Barak, conde de Trellheim, estaba de pie ante el timón y maniobraba el barco con una mueca de concentración. El hombretón atravesaba el puerto en dirección al muelle de piedra e intentaba sortear un engorroso remolino que había junto a uno de los promontorios de protección.
With his red beard streaming in the wind, Barak, Earl of Trellheim, stood at his tiller, a look of studied concentration on his face as he worked his way through a tricky eddy just inside one of the protective headlands and then across the harbor to the stone quay.
El conde no se ocupaba de los dos burlones, contemplaba, ora el pabellón de la marquesa, que desaparecía a lo lejos y ante el cual se dibujaban aún dos sombras obscuras, ora la soberbia fragata que se balanceaba graciosamente en la rada, tirando de las cadenas de las dos anclas, como impaciente por hacerse a la mar después de tan largo reposo.
The count was no longer concerned with the two pranksters. Now he looked at the pavilion of the marquise who was about to disappear and in front of which they still stood out two dark spots, and now his superb rocking frigate gracefully in the harbor, stretching the chains of the two anchors, as if it were impatient to take off after so much rest.
Queremos conocer hasta el último sótano, cueva, pasillo secreto…, en fin, todo lugar en que pudieran esconder un alijo… —¿Y el conde?
We want to know every cellar, cave, secret passage ... any possible place a cache could be hidden ... “What about the count?”
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