Traduzione per "es a merced" a inglese
Es a merced
  • it's at the mercy
  • it is at the mercy
Esempi di traduzione.
it is at the mercy
Sin embargo, los Estados no deben estar a merced de las grandes empresas multinacionales.
States should not, however, be at the mercy of the multinational corporations.
Al no poder recurrir a la negociación colectiva, están a merced de sus empleadores.
Without the collective bargaining tool, they are at the mercy of their employers.
Es evidente que, en esas condiciones, un magistrado está a merced de sus justiciables.
With such working conditions, they are at the mercy of the persons under their jurisdiction.
El mundo no debe estar a merced de los productores de petróleo.
The world should not be at the mercy of oil producers.
Religiosas dominicas de la Asociación de la Merced
The Dominican Sisters of Mercy Association
En esas condiciones de trabajo, los magistrados están a merced de los acusados.
With such working conditions, they are at the mercy of persons under their jurisdiction.
Los sospechosos no se encuentran bajo el control de la legislación; están a merced de sus carceleros.
The suspects are not under the control of the law; they are at the mercy of their jailors.
Nuestras economías ya no quedarán a merced del mercado.
And no more will our economies be left to the mercy of the market.
Esto sitúa inmediatamente a las políticas a merced de las partes interesadas.
This immediately puts the policy process at the mercy of interested parties.
El desarrollo no puede quedar a la merced de las corrientes financieras.
Development could not be left to the mercy of financial flows.
-Estarán a su merced.
“You’ll be at his mercy.
Estarías a su merced.
You'd be at her mercy.
–¿No está, por tanto, a merced de los vientos?
“Is it not, then, at the mercy of the winds?”
—No hay merced para los traidores.
There is no mercy for traitors.
Totalmente a su merced.
Totally at their mercy.
Allí está a merced de cualquiera, y también a merced de esa piedra y ese hierro.
Here, he is at everyone’s mercy, and he is also at the mercy of this stone and steel.
–Estamos a merced del enemigo -afirmó la hechicera. –A merced -contestó Espejo.
“We are at the enemy’s mercy,” the enchantress said. “Mercy,” the Mirror replied.
Estaría a su merced.
I would be at his mercy.
Estoy a vuestra merced.
I am at your mercy.
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