Traduzione per "era tan fresco" a inglese
Era tan fresco
  • it was so cool
Esempi di traduzione.
it was so cool
Tan fresca, tan tentadora.
So cool, so tempting.
¡Qué espacio tan fresco y remoto, tan remoto!
It was so cool and remote in there, so remote.
eran tan frescas al tacto, de perfiles tan duros…;
they were so cool to the touch, so hard-edged;
El interior del establecimiento era tan fresco, tan umbroso, tan silencioso y quieto.
It was so cool inside, so shadowy and quiet and still.
Han traído algo tan fresco, tan agradable, tan crujiente.
You bring something so cool and pleasing, so fresh, so crisp.
Hacía una noche lluviosa y tan fresca que alguien propuso encender la chimenea.
We moved to the living room and the night was so cool and rainy that someone suggested a fire.
Tu brillante corteza, tus leves hojas, tu voz tan fresca y dulce:
Your rind so bright, your leaves so light, your voice so cool and soft:
Y así el agua que has encontrado tan fresca y tan rica, es el dolor del corazón de aquella pobre madre.
And so the water, which you find so cool and sweet, is the sorrow of that poor mother's heart!"
te lo aseguro, chico, cuando hablas tan fresco de ir hacia el sur se me hiela la sangre.
I’ll tell you, lad, when you talk so cool about going south my blood gets cold.
Era imposible resistir la textura de su pelo, los rizos tan frescos y densos en la superficie, y tan cálidos y húmedos en la raíz.
The texture of his hair, the locks so cool and thick on the surface, so warm and damp at the roots, was too alluring to resist.
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