Traduzione per "era mirar" a inglese
Era mirar
Esempi di traduzione.
was to watch
De ese modo, si la mayoría de los hombres considera que mirar deportes es bueno, la norma inductiva consiste en aprobar el mirar deportes.
So if most men feel watching sports is good, then the injunctive norm is to approve of watching sports.
Lectura, mirar televisión y otras actividades sedentarias
Reading, watching television or other sedentary activities.
- En algunos centros, las mujeres tienen una sala especial para mirar la televisión.
In certain centers, women have a special room for watching television.
Por lo tanto, para mi pesar, no podré mirar ese partido.
I will therefore not be able, unfortunately, to watch that match.
Todo esto ocurrió frente a cientos de transeúntes que se pararon a mirar.
All of this took place as hundreds of bystanders stood by watching.
Media del tiempo diario dedicado a mirar TV (min.)
Average time spent watching TV per day (min.)
Mirar televisión (al menos una vez por semana)
Watch television (at least once a week)
Desde 2002 en los centros de detención también es posible mirar televisión.
Since 2002 in the detention departments it is also possible to watch TV programme.
También lo obligaron a mirar cómo se torturaba a otros presos.
He was also forced to watch fellow prisoners being tortured.
¿Preferirías mirar o no mirar?
Would you rather watch, or not watch?
Randall mirará a Junior, Big Henry me mirará a mí y yo miraré a Skeetah, y Skeetah no nos mirará a ninguno.
Randall will watch Junior and Big Henry will watch me and I will watch Skeetah, and Skeetah will watch none of us.
—Bueno… ¿Te importa si me quedo a mirar? —¿A mirar?
“Well…could I just watch?” “Watch?
–No, pero os miraré.
No, I'll just watch.
Para mirar los festejos.
“To watch the revels.”
Pero no hacían más que mirar.
But they just watched.
Basta con mirar un poco a nuestro alrededor.
Let us take a look at the current situation.
Dicen que hay que mirar hacia delante.
They say that we should look ahead.
No nos atrevemos a mirar para otro lado.
We dare not look the other way.
14. No deben mirar a desconocidos.
14. They must not look at strangers.
Con dos retos hechos Y una pista del 2-0, Mi 911 era mirar Como el chohoice perfecto Para nuestra celebridad de misterio.
With two challenges done and a 2-0 lead, my 911 was looking like the perfect chohoice for our mystery celebrity.
Ya sabes, todo lo que hacias era mirar a algo que,
You know, all you were doing was looking at something that,
Era mirar algo que deseaba más que cualquier otra cosa.
I was looking at something I wanted more than anything.
–Limítense a mirar, !a Mirar!
“Just look, just look!”
Miedo de mirar y de no mirar.
Scared of looking and scared of not looking.
Breaca podía mirar o no mirar.
Breaca could look or not look.
Subió sin mirar atrás, sin mirar abajo.
She went up, not looking back, not looking down.
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