Traduzione per "emitido y" a inglese
Emitido y
Esempi di traduzione.
Informes emitidos
Reports issued
Recibos emitidos
Receipts issued
ii) El número de acciones emitidas y enteramente pagadas y emitidas pero no enteramente pagadas;
(ii) the number of shares issued and fully paid, and issued but not fully paid;
Cheques emitidos
Cheques issued
Recién emitida y enviada por correo certificado al teniente Keith hace dos días.
Newly issued and sent by registered mail to Lieutenant Keith two days ago.
Sra, estos cheques fueron emitidos y cobrados.
Ma'am, these checks have been issued and cashed.
Que todas las divisiones estudien las facciones de Paul Lavond... a partir de la fotografía emitida, y recálqueles... que fue tomada hace 17 años.
Instruct all divisions to restudy the features of Paul Lavond from the photograph issued, and impress upon them it was taken 17 years ago.
Ha emitido una orden de arresto contra mí.
He has issued a warrant for my arrest.
La jueza había emitido la orden de comparecencia.
The judge had issued the order to appear.
—¡Ya hemos emitido una carta de cese y desista!
“We’ve already issued a cease and desist!”
Emitidas el 24 de abril de 2003.
Issued April twenty-fourth, 2003.
Ni siquiera había emitido una declaración de neutralidad.
She had issued no declarations of neutrality.
—No se ha presentado. —¿Se ha emitido la orden de búsqueda? —Todavía no.
  "Bench warrant issued?"   "Not yet."
–Pero el estado de Ohio habría emitido unos nuevos, ¿no?
But the state of Ohio would have issued them new ones, right?
El resto será emitido en créditos post-emergencia.
The rest will be issued as post-emergency credits.
El fantasma de Darío había emitido una solemne advertencia:
The ghost of Darius issued a solemn warning:
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