Traduzione per "ellos capturaron" a inglese
Ellos capturaron
Esempi di traduzione.
Cuando nos capturaron nos llevaron a una base remota.
When we were captured, we were all taken to a remote base.
Los chetniks la capturaron y muchos de ellos la maltrataron y la violaron varias veces.
She was captured, maltreated and repeatedly raped by scores of Chetniks.
Los paramilitares capturaron a algunas de estas personas y les dieron muerte en el acto.
The paramilitaries captured some of these persons and killed them on the spot.
Se capturaron armas de los incursores tras un enfrentamiento
Infiltrators' weapons captured following a clash
Asimismo, se capturaron dos vehículos utilizados por el SLA.
Two vehicles used by SLA were captured during the attack.
Los autores del ataque capturaron un vehículo, armas y municiones[87].
The perpetrators captured a vehicle, weapons and ammunition.[87]
Nuestros efectivos capturaron también a numerosos miembros de las fuerzas derrotadas.
Our forces also captured a large number of the defeated forces.
El terrorista resultó muerto y se capturaron armas
Terrorist killed and weapons captured
Los atacantes capturaron dos vehículos y varias armas.
The attackers captured two vehicles and several weapons.
Porque todos los de la Marina, con sus cordones de oropel quieren dejarnos aquí e irse al Japón para el gran final para decirles a sus hijos que ellos capturaron al Emperador.
Because every Navy man with a scrambled egg on his chest... wants to offload us here and sail to Japan... so they can be there for the big finish... tell their kids they captured the Emperor all by themselves.
Ellos capturaron algunos de los nuestros hace un año.
They captured some of ours a year ago. Now they wanna get rid of them.
Ellos capturaron al inspector del barrio, Le ataron al oso y echaron al animal en el canal Moika.
They captured a policeman, strapped him and the bear together and threw them into the Moika.
Ellos capturaron toda la familia.
They captured the whole family.
Me capturaron antes de...
I was captured before—
—Cuando te capturaron.
When you were captured.
Lo capturaron los humanos.
The humans captured it.
Esta vez no me capturaron.
This time I was not captured.
Lo capturaron los alemanes.
Captured by the Germans, he was.
—Pero no capturaron al Autarca.
But they did not capture the Autarch.
— ¿Y cuándo lo capturaron?
‘And when was he captured?’
Me capturaron los nazis.
I was captured by the Nazis.
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