Traduzione per "el es sobrino" a inglese
El es sobrino
Esempi di traduzione.
Es el hijo de mi sobrino en realidad, pero yo lo llamo mi sobrino.
He’s my nephew’s son, actually, but I call him my nephew.
El marido de mi sobrina… Mi sobrino político, imagino que se dirá. ¿Entramos?
He’s my nephew by marriage of course — nephew-in-law, I suppose you’d say. Should we go in, do you think?
the nephew
Tías y sobrinos;
Dijo Abraham a su sobrino Lot:
Abraham said to his nephew Lot,
Presunta víctima: Maxim Rastorguev (sobrino de la autora)
Maxim Rastorguev (author's nephew)
El abuelo del autor es sobrino de la madre de Abdullah Öçalan.
The complainant's grandfather is a nephew of Abdullah Öçalan's mother.
El abuelo del autor es sobrino de la madre de Abdullah Öcalan.
The complainant's grandfather is a nephew of Abdullah Öcalan's mother.
Su sobrino no sobrevivió.
Her nephew did not survive.
Su sobrino murió con él.
His nephew died alongside him.
El sobrino no es, realmente, su sobrino.
The nephew is not his actual nephew.
Sobrino, eres el mayor sobrino que haya existido nunca.
Nephew, you are the biggest nephew that ever lived.
¡Eres mi sobrino! ¡No se puede dimitir del puesto de sobrino!
You’re my nephew! You can’t resign from being a nephew—!”
Y yo tengo un sobrino.
And I have a nephew.
Y sobrino de la otra.
And nephew of the other one.
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