Traduzione per "dicho sin rodeos" a inglese
Dicho sin rodeos
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Dicho sin rodeos, creía que las mujeres se masturbaban y que esa era la causa de la locura, la epilepsia, la catalepsia, la histeria, el insomnio y muchos otros trastornos nerviosos.
Put more bluntly, he thought women were masturbating and that this was the cause of insanity, epilepsy, catalepsy, hysteria, insomnia and countless other nervous disorders.
Falmouth lo había dicho sin rodeos, y al margen de que él lo aceptara o no, era indudable que la circunstancia de su querella con George había influido en la decisión. Una razón negativa, e incluso innoble;
Falmouth had put it to him bluntly, and, whether he cared to admit it or not, the circumstance of his being in opposition to George had influenced his choice.
La comandante médico Newton que, como la mayor parte de los médicos, podía ser inquietantemente sincera, le había dicho sin rodeos: — Todavía te queda una semana para recuperarte.
Surgeon Commander Newton, who like most physicians could be embarrassingly frank, had told him bluntly, “You still need another week to recuperate.
Las levas se habían reducido en cuanto pudieron forjarse con Trelayne una paz duradera y una frontera estable, no porque el Imperio estuviera cansado de la guerra, sino porque los consejeros económicos de Akal le habían dicho sin rodeos que si no aminoraba la demanda de soldados cuanto antes, sus cosechas se pudrirían en los campos y sus súbditos morirían de inanición.
The levies had been cut back as soon as a workable peace and a stable frontier could be hammered out with Trelayne, not because the Empire was weary of war, but because Akal’s economic advisers had bluntly told him that if he didn’t slacken the demand for soldiers soon, his harvests would rot in the fields and his subjects would starve.
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