Traduzione per "detestar a" a inglese
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detestarás a yo por recordártelo.
You will detest me for reminding you of it.
—¡cuánto me debe detestar!
How he must detest me!
Terminé por detestar la fascinación que sentían.
I grew to detest their fascination.
Si hay algo que he aprendido a detestar es la nostalgia.
If there’s anything I’ve learned to detest, it is nostalgia.
¿Cómo se puede detestar algo útil?
How can one detest something useful?
Me habían enseñado a detestar la autocompasión.
I had been brought up to detest self-pity.
Rebecca llegó a detestar la crucifixión de Cristo.
The crucifixion of Christ, she came to detest.
¡Sin duda sería más razonable que detestara a los lores!
It would surely be more reasonable in him to detest a lord!
¿Era fatuo como su padre aunque lo detestara?
Was he vain like his father, even if he detested him?
Era curioso: había llegado a detestar volar de verdad.
It was funny how he had really come to detest flying.
Sería un grave error descartar a esos movimientos como puramente ideológicos en una búsqueda atávica de un nuevo "-ismo" que detestar.
It would be a serious mistake to dismiss these movements as purely ideologically based, in atavistic search of a new "ism" to hate.
¿Por qué le detestaré tanto?
Why do I hate him so much?
Estoy segura de que lo detestará.
‘I think she’ll hate it.
—Patrick lo va a detestar.
‘Patrick will hate it.’
A ella era a la que tenía que detestar, a ella y a Arya.
she was the one to hate, her and Arya.
No sabía que lo detestaras.
“I didn’t know you hated it.
Ella comenzaba a detestar esa expresión.
She was beginning to hate that expression.
—¿No me va a detestar después?
“You won’t hate me?”
Empezaba a detestar al Hechizo.
He was really beginning to hate that Spell.
No era de extrañar que Rufia detestara a la forastera.
No wonder Rufia loathed the incomer.
Era fácil detestar a esos burdos monstruos.
Loathing these rustic monsters was easy enough.
—Las detestarás todavía más cuando haya terminado contigo.
“You’ll loathe them even more when I’ve finished with you.
Aunque detestaras al individuo te causaba espanto.
Even though you loathed the individual, it horrified you.
tal vez incluso detestara a los inquilinos que iban y venían;
he might loathe tenants coming and going;
—Nadie podría detestar a David —dijo Leah amablemente.
“No one could loathe David,” Leah said gently.
Un hombre —¡una cosa!— a quien todos aprendían a detestar y temer desde la más tierna infancia.
A man—a thing!—everyone was taught to loathe and fear from childhood.
Vaciló, como si detestara hablar de ello, pero parecía necesitar relatarlo.
He hesitated, as if he was loath to talk of it, but seemed to need to speak.
Aunque detestara todo lo que usted representa, no sentiría desprecio por usted.
Even if I loathed everything you stood for, I would not feel contempt for you.
Preparemos a nuestros niños para la paz enseñándoles a consolidarla y a detestar la violencia y el uso de la fuerza física para lograr un fin.
Let us prepare our children for peace by teaching them to be peacebuilders and to abhor violence and the use of physical force to achieve an aim.
Por eso intentamos no detestar demasiado a los nestorianos, aunque discutiéramos sus doctrinas, y ellos solían mostrarse hospitalarios y solícitos con nosotros.
So we tried not to abhor the Nestorians too much—even while we disputed their doctrines—and they were usually hospitable and helpful to us.
Quizá sea un defecto de mi carácter el detestar el mando, pero si es un defecto, me ha llevado a adoptar una filosofía que se ha arraigado inexorablemente en mi alma.
Perhaps it is a fault in my character that I abhor all high commands, but if it is a fault, then it has led me to a philosophy that sits inexorably upon my Soul.
Considere, señora, la particular crueldad de su situación: hija única de un rico barón que jamás ha conocido personalmente, tiene todos los motivos para detestar la fama de su padre y le está prohibido reivindicar su nombre.
Consider, Madam, the peculiar cruelty of her situation; only child of a wealthy Baronet, whose person she has never seen, whose character she has reason to abhor, and whose name she is forbidden to claim;
¿Podría yo quizá sentir el más grande de los afectos paternos por esta joven víctima sin detestar a su destructor?
Could I feel an affection the most paternal for this poor sufferer, and not abominate her destroyer?
Le dio por detestar todo lo que lo rodeaba, encontró a la familia de ella aborreciblemente burguesa y empezó a verla a ella misma como a un ser desconocido que poco tenía que ver con la mujer de la que se había enamorado en Buenos Aires.
He grew contemptuous of everything around him. He found her family abominably bourgeois and began to treat her like some unfathomable creature who had little in common with the woman he had fallen in love with in Buenos Aires.
Darcy había ido detrás de ellos expresamente, había asumido toda la molestia y mortificación inherentes a aquella búsqueda, imploró a una mujer a la que debía detestar y se vio obligado a tratar con frecuencia, a persuadir y a la postre sobornar, al hombre que más deseaba evitar y cuyo solo nombre le horrorizaba pronunciar.
He had followed them purposely to town, he had taken on himself all the trouble and mortification attendant on such a research; in which supplication had been necessary to a woman whom he must abominate and despise, and where he was reduced to meet, frequently meet, reason with, persuade, and finally bribe, the man whom he always most wished to avoid, and whose very name it was punishment to him to pronounce.
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