Traduzione per "de tez clara" a inglese
De tez clara
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la tez clara, de los antepasados alemanes de su padre.
his fair complexion from his father’s German ancestors.
Más bien alta, de tez clara, ojos azules y pelirroja.
A bit on the tall side, fair complexion, with blue eyes and red hair.
Tenía la tez clara y estaba tan rasurado que las mejillas relucían.
He had a fair complexion, and his cheeks were so closely shaven that they gleamed.
Aunque era morena, tenía la tez clara de una pelirroja, con pecas y ojos verdes.
Although she was a brunette, she had the fair complexion of a redhead, with freckles and green eyes.
Parecía serio y resuelto, tenía facciones cinceladas, tez clara y bonito pelo. ¿Pero un matrimonio?
He was earnest and determined, his chiseled features and fair complexion and hair not unhandsome. But marriage?
Era la que solía utilizar Vicana, la nueva esclava británica de pelo rojizo y tez clara.
It was the one commonly used by Vicana, the new British slave with red hair and fair complexion.
Tenía unos elegantes bigotes plateados, pelo liso brillante, la tez clara y las mejillas cubiertas de pecas.
He had a fine silver moustache, smoothly slicked hair, a fair complexion and florid cheeks.
Lleva traje gris y sombrero gris. Stop. Cabellos rubios, tez clara, ojos azules, corpulencia media, signos particulares ninguno. Stop.
Grey suit and hat. Stop. Blond hair, fair complexion, blue eyes, average build, no distinguishing features. Stop.
Edad: sesenta y cinco, cabello gris, razonablemente abundante; tez clara, facciones delgadas de huesos finos, ojos azules, muy esbelto.
Age: sixty-five, grey hair reasonably abundant, fair complexion, features thin but fine-boned, eyes blue, very slim.
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