Traduzione per "daltoniano" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
La opinión general en el pueblo es que es daltoniana.
General opinion in the village has it that she is color-blind.
Todos permanecían inmóviles y observaban a un hombre enjuto y con anteojos que estaba de pie detrás del presidente, delante de una pizarra portátil en la que había trazado varios diagramas en distintos colores —que no eran de mucha utilidad, pues dos miembros del equipo de gestión de crisis eran daltonianos—.
These blocks of shadow on the polished wood, like the bodies themselves, remained immobile as the stunned faces attached to those bodies stared in astonishment at the gaunt, bespectacled man who stood behind the President in front of a portable blackboard, on which he had drawn numerous diagrams in four different colors of chalk. The visual aids -were somewhat less than effective as two of the crisis management team were color-blind.
—¿Como si los demás fueran daltonianos y sólo ellos viesen el rojo? —Esa es la idea.
“As if other people were colour-blind and only they saw red?” “That’s the idea.”
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