Traduzione per "cuyo único es" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Los tres representan a millares de personas cuyo único delito ha sido osar hablar en favor de los derechos humanos y las libertades fundamentales.
They stood for thousands of people whose only crime was to speak out in favour of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
Los niños, cuyo único medio de alimentación es el trabajo, tienen pocas opciones.
Children, whose only means of eating was to work, had few alternatives.
Esa política convertía en delincuentes a numerosos residentes árabes cuyo único deseo era tener un techo.
Such a policy turned into criminals numerous Arab residents whose only wish was to have a roof above their heads.
Pero pensad en la gran mayoría de sacerdotes y religiosos generosamente comprometidos, cuyo único deseo es servir y hacer el bien.
But think of the vast majority of dedicated and generous priests and religious whose only wish is to serve and do good!
Los campamentos y los centros de detención están llenos de jóvenes cuyo único delito ha sido el pedir el derecho a la libre determinación.
Camps and detention centres were filled with young people whose only crime was to demand the right to self-determination.
- Los niños cuyo único progenitor reside en el territorio de la Federación de Rusia, a petición de ese progenitor.
A child whose only parent resides in the territory of the Russian Federation, when that parent makes the application.
Era un movimiento de rebelión ideológicamente independiente, cuyo único objetivo consistía en defender a cualquier precio los intereses de Rwanda.
This was an ideologically different rebel movement, whose only aim was to defend Rwanda's interests at any price.
Lo que hicieron entonces era un anuncio de lo que se proponían hacer contra todos aquellos cuyo único error era el de ser distintos a ellos.
What they did then was the harbinger of what they had in the pipeline for all those whose only fault was being different from them.
Esa población, cuyo único delito consiste en perseverar en su apego a la patria, se ve obligada a vivir con temor.
People whose only crime was their attachment to their homeland were being forced to live in fear.
Era una hija que había enviudado y cuyo único hijo había muerto.
She was a widowed daughter whose only child had died.
Pero ¿qué sucederá con aquellos cuyo único objeto sexual eran los niños?
But what about those whose only sexual objects are children?
Sólo es un depredador cuyo único objetivo es la dominación y el exterminio. —Genial.
He's just a predator whose only goal is to dominate."
Anderson: el inútil dirigente de la rebelión, cuyo único talento era la política.
Anderson-- the useless leader of the rebellion, whose only gift was politics.
No estoy dispuesto a matar a una mujer cuyo único crimen es estar atada a una correa.
I’m not up to killing a woman whose only crime is that she’s on a leash.
Incluían a rezagados e incompetentes, además de hombres cuyo único defecto era la prudencia.
They included laggards and incompetents as well as men whose only failing was prudence.
# (54.895) —¿Por qué atender a los pobres drogatas cuyo único pecado es la autodestrucción?
#(54,895) “Why jiltz poor wire-heads whose only tort is self-perving?
Las cárceles estaban llenas de gente cuyo único crimen era no estar a favor de aquel gobierno.
Its prisons were full of people whose only crime was to disagree with the government.
Sin duda no este mozalbete cuyo único poder reside en magia de fregonas y cháchara religiosa.
Surely, not this whelp whose only strength is in scullery magic and religious prattle!
a) Está formado por una o varias fases cuyo único medio de propulsión es un cohete interno que funciona durante toda la trayectoria aérea o parte de ella;
a. consists of single or multiple stage(s) whose sole means of propulsion is an internal rocket engine that is functional over all or a portion of the flight path;
Es, además, un acto inmoral en el sentido de que se ceba ciegamente en inocentes cuyo único delito es encontrarse en el lugar en que los terroristas deciden actuar.
Moreover, it was an immoral act in that it victimized innocent people whose sole offence was to have been at the place where the terrorists had decided to strike.
Desea la suspensión de las restricciones, cuyo único objetivo es provocarles hambre y herir su honor y orgullo.
They seek the lifting of restrictions whose sole aim is to starve them and wound their honour and pride.
Estaba también prohibido hacer que los niños participaran en concursos de belleza y otros eventos parecidos cuyo único objeto era evaluar la apariencia exterior del niño.
It was also forbidden to involve a child in beauty contests or other similar events whose sole aim was to evaluate the child's outer appearance.
A los 16 años de edad, inician un período de servicio especial, cuyo único objetivo es permitirles seguir el curso que han elegido.
At 16 years of age, they enter into a special term of service, whose sole purpose is to attend the course of study they have chosen.
El Comité había cometido un acto de discriminación contra dos organizaciones cuyo único fin era luchar contra la discriminación.
The Committee had committed an act of discrimination against two organizations whose sole purpose was to combat discrimination.
Esperan que el texto, cuyo único propósito es poner de relieve la situación de las niñas, se apruebe por consenso como en el pasado.
They hoped that the text, whose sole aim was to emphasize the plight of the girl child, would be adopted by consensus, as had occurred in the past.
Zimbabwe, efectivamente, dará la bienvenida en las elecciones a los observadores cuyo único y exclusivo propósito sea observar el proceso y no injerirse en la política del país.
Zimbabwe will indeed welcome to the elections those observers whose sole and undivided purpose is to observe the process and not to meddle in the politics of the country.
A menudo procuran reemplazar la falta de apoyo popular con el poder, cuyo único objetivo es buscar la dominación y el interés egoísta.
So often they attempt to replace the absence of popular support by dependence on power whose sole purpose is the pursuit of domination and self-interest.
Trabajas y colaboras con grupos y organizaciones cuyo único objetivo es ir contra él.
You are working with groups and organizations whose SOLE aim is to work against him.
Es un perverso poder espiritual cuyo único objetivo consiste en combatir la obra de Dios.
He is a malevolent spiritual power whose sole goal is to oppose the work of God.
Le resultó inquietante que Rashid poseyera algo cuyo único propósito era matar a otras personas.
It was disquieting to her that Rasheed owned something whose sole purpose was to kill another person.
Usted se ve constantemente asediado por consejeros cuyo único propósito parece ser el de dilatar toda decisión.
You are besieged by counsellors whose sole object seems to be to delay decision.
y habría muchos extraterrestres cuyo único trabajo fuera recordar dónde se almacenaban esos recuerdos;
and there would be many aliens whose sole job was to remember where memories were stored-librarians, in other words.
Benter gez Maprab, cuyo único interés parecía ser la horticultura, señaló una de las excepciones.
Benter vez Maprab, whose sole interest seemed to be horticulture, pointed to one of the exceptions.
No voy a permitir que un hombre cuyo único sentido del deber es para con sus caprichos me sermonee sobre la lealtad.
I will take no lectures on loyalty from a man whose sole sense of duty is to his own self-indulgence.
Estaba enamorado de pies a cabeza de una muchacha cuyo único interés por él era prepararlo para ser asesinado.
He was head over heels in love with a girl whose sole interest in him was setting him up to be murdered.
En primer lugar, me exigieron una humillante confesión de responsabilidad personal, cuyo único propósito era desacreditarme.
First they demanded from me a humiliating avowal of personal responsibility whose sole purpose was to discredit me.
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