Traduzione per "contado todo" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
- Se lo han contado todo a tu mujer.
- I have told everything to your wife.
Tio, a pesar de que me lo habeis contado todo y saber la verdad... Por qué no recuerdo mi pasado?
Uncle, despite being told everything and getting to know the truth... why don't I recall my past?
Nos han contado todo recién.
We are told everything at the last minute.
¡Ya lo ha contado todo!
Eh! He has already told everything!
Digamos que tengo la sensación que no nos han contado... todo lo que tenemos que saber.
Let's just say I get the sense we're not being told everything we need to know.
Ella lo ha contado todo.
She has told everything.
El me lo ha contado todo.
He has told everything to me.
Me lo han contado todo y pensé que debería venir a verte en vista de mi interés en ti.
I've been told everything. And I thought I should come to see you in view of my interest in you.
Imagino que Ud. después le habrá contado todo a su marido, ¿verdad?
I suppose she has told everything to her husband, right?
Cinco minutos más y lo habría contado todo.
Five minutes longer, and I would have told everything.
Chesna había sido capturada y lo había contado todo
Chesna’s been captured, and she’s told everything!
A él no le he preguntado nada, su esposa ya me había contado todo lo que quería saber. 52
I never asked him anything – I had already been told everything I wanted to know by his wife.’ 52
Yo no lo hubiera acogido de nuevo, pero entonces, si lo atrapaban, lo habría contado todo.
He’d most have liked not to have taken him in again, but then he might still have gotten caught and might have told everything.”
Si le hubieran traído aquí, les habría contado todo lo que sabía en treinta segundos.
He’d have told everything he knew to everybody who asked him about thirty seconds after you got him in here.”
En la primera parte de la declaración Chester decía que estaba seguro de que Rydal Keener habría «contado todo» en París, pero eso no era cierto.
In the early part of Chester’s statement, he said that he knew Rydal Keener must have “told everything” in Paris, but that was not so.
Pero ella ya le había contado todo cuanto sabía a sus conocidas, entre las que se cuenta la señora West, la mujer con quien he hablado. Es la esposa del propietario de una sórdida taberna en Fleet Street, La Cabra y la Jarra, creo que se llama.
But not before she had told everything she knew to her gossips, one of whom is called Mistress West, the wife of the proprietor of a sordid tavern in Fleet Lane called, hmm, the Goat and Bottle, I believe.
Recostado en algún lecho, al abrigo de los peñascos de la montaña o en alguno de los bosques cercanos, Hefestión comprendía que le había contado todo, mientras trataba de acallar los fuertes latidos de su corazón y lo enlazaba por la cintura o apoyaba la cabeza en su hombro.
Listening in bed, in the lee of mountain crags, in a wood at daybreak; with an arm clasping his waist or a head thrown back , on his shoulder, trying to silence his noisy heart, Hephaistion understood he was being told everything.
Había hecho su elección mientras cavaba la tumba e Dobby, había decidido continuar por el sinuoso y peligroso camino señalado por Albus Dumbledore, aceptar que no se le había contado todo lo que quería saber, pero simplemente confiando.
He had made his choice while he dug Dobby's grave, he had decided to continue along the winding, dangerous path indicated for him by Albus Dumbledore, to accept that he had not been told everything that he wanted to know, but simply to trust.
No quería expresar las dudas e incertidumbres sobre el anciano director que lo acosaban desde hacía meses, y además había tomado una decisión mientras cavaba la tumba de Dobby: continuar por el intrincado y peligroso camino que le había señalado Albus Dumbledore, aceptar que el profesor no le hubiera contado todo lo que le habría gustado saber, y confiar en él.
He did not want to express the doubts and uncertainties about Dumbledore that had riddled him for months now. He had made his choice while he dug Dobby’s grave, he had decided to continue along the winding, dangerous path indicated for him by Albus Dumbledore, to accept that he had not been told everything that he wanted to know, but simply to trust.
La había visto salir huyendo, y las madres, congregadas en torno al niño elegido —varón, de unos cuatro años—, apenas se habían fijado en ella. Aun así, tenía la certeza de que no la encontraría allí y recibiría una llamada para avisarlo de que su mujer estaba en la comisaría, donde se había venido abajo y lo había contado todo, incluida la participación de él.
He had seen her go skimming away at a full-out run, and the mothers had barely given her a look – they were converging on the child she had chosen, a boy of perhaps four – but he was still sure she wouldn’t be there and that he would get a call telling him that his wife was at the police station, where she had collapsed and told everything, including his part in it.
¿Y le has contado todo esto al Sr. Harris?
And you told all of this to Mr. Harris?
Aparte ahora tienes que hacerlo porque ya se lo he contado todo a los niños, que tienen una bisabuela que está deseando malcriarlos mucho.
Besides you have to now because I've already told all the kids that they have a great-grandmother who is ready to spoil them rotten.
Mire, ya le hemos contado todo a la Policía Metropolitana.
Look, we already told all this to Metro Police.
Sí, ella debería habértelo contado todo, pero no puedes traer Five Points aquí, donde no pertenece.
Yes, she should've told all, but you can't bring Five Points up here, where it doesn't belong.
Imagino que le ha contado todo esto al Sr. Drake.
I imagine you have told all this to Mr. Drake.
-No -Pero le habías contado todo
-Do Not But he had told all
Pero ella no está en sus cabales, señorita Winter está locamente enamorada y le ha contado todo el asunto. No le importa nada.
But she's not in her senses, Ms. Winter, she's madly in love and she has been told all about it.
Ya he contado todo lo que sabía a ese inspector y no tengo tiempo para volver a contarlo.
I just told all I know to that police inspector. I ain't got time to tell all that again.
¡Ya te lo he contado todo!
Now I've told all!
- Lo he contado todo, no podía más.
- I told all, I couldn't take it anymore.
¿Le han contado todo eso?
Have you been told all this?
Había contado todo lo que sabía, y no había más que decir.
He'd told all he knew, and there wasn't more to say.
—He contado todo lo que hay para contar —respondió Hal.
‘I’ve told all that needs to be said,’ Hal replied.
Remlinger, dijo, le había contado todo esto años atrás).
Remlinger, he said, had told all of this to him years before.)
¡Por supuesto, ella se lo había contado todo al niño de cinco años!
Of course, she would have told all to the five-year-old!
Doris lo ha contado todo, incluido el Ich liebe dich.
Doris has told all, up to and including Ich liebe Dich.
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