Traduzione per "chorro de sangre" a inglese
Chorro de sangre
Esempi di traduzione.
Un chorro de sangre brotó de su nariz.
Blood streamed from her nose.
Me parecía ver fluir a chorros la sangre de su mano.
I seemed to see blood stream from his hand.
Un chorro de sangre color cereza empezó a manarle de la boca y la nariz.
Bright cherry-red blood streamed from his nose and mouth.
—¡Fórfex! —De pronto recordé la presunción del esclavo y el pánico con que había salido huyendo de la mina, el chorro de sangre en su cabeza y el enfado de su amo—.
'Forfex!' I remembered the slave's wheedling manner and the panic that had driven him from the mine, the blood streaming from his head and his master's displeasure.
Nately trató de agarrarlo de nuevo, y Yossarian descargó un puño con todas sus fuerzas en el delicado y joven rostro de Nately, insultándolo, y echó el brazo hacia atrás para volver a pegarle, pero Nately había desaparecido de su vista, gimiendo, y yacía en el suelo con la cabeza oculta entre las manos y un chorro de sangre entre los dedos.
Nately reached for him again, and Yossarian drove his fist squarely into Nately’s delicate young face as hard as he could, cursing him, then drew his arm back to hit him again, but Nately had dropped out of sight with a groan and lay curled up on the ground with his head buried in both hands and blood streaming between his fingers.
Con tanto vigor como el día anterior hablase lanzado sobre la nutria, Miki se abalanzó sobre aquel nuevo enemigo, frío, de acero, que acababa de sujetarle de un modo tan cruel… Pero sus colmillos chocaron en vano contra el hierro helado. No obstante, consiguió arrancar su mano de los dientes feroces del cepo, aunque quedó completamente herida, soltando un chorro de sangre que manchaba rápidamente la nieve.
As he had caught Wapoos, and as he had killed the fisher-cat, so now he seized this new and savage enemy between his jaws. His fangs crunched on the cold steel; he literally tore it from his paw so that blood streamed forth and strained the snow red.
Acariciando aquella línea de negras costuras, Tommy se vio de pronto asaltado por una macabra imagen mental: las costuras se abrían súbitamente, una boca real aparecía en la blanca tela de algodón, unos menudos pero afiladísimos dientes quedaban al descubierto, un rápido y salvaje mordisco, el pulgar quedaba amputado, y un chorro de sangre brotaba del muñón.
As he traced that line of black stitches, Tommy was startled by a macabre image that popped into his mind's eye: the threads abruptly snapping, a real mouth opening in the white cotton cloth, tiny but razor-sharp teeth exposed, a quick but savage snap, and his thumb bitten off, blood streaming from the stump. A shudder coursed through him, and he nearly dropped the doll.
Y cuando apareció, la gente sofocó un grito, un grito de placer más que de otra cosa, pero también expresaba sorpresa y cierta inquietud que se transformó en sed de algo más, y luego los gritos sofocados se convirtieron en chillidos y vítores, aullidos y silbidos, porque en el balcón, con chorros de sangre en el rostro y una cosa confeccionada de espinas ladeada en la cabeza, apareció mi hijo vestido con la túnica púrpura de los reyes, que le colgaba de los hombros de un modo que me indicó que tenía las manos atadas a la espalda.
And then it came and there was a gasp from the crowd, it was a gasp of delight before it was anything but it also contained shock and a sort of unease that grew into a hunger for more and thus the gasping became shouting and cheering and yelling and catcalling because on the balcony with blood streaming down his face and a thing made of thorns pushed back into the side of his head, my son came wearing the purple robe of a king, which seemed to hang on his shoulders in a way that made me understand that his hands were tied behind his back.
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