Traduzione per "cerrarlos" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Luego volvió a cerrarla.
Then he closed them again.
Tienes que llegar a ellas y cerrarlas.
You need to reach them and close them.
Todo lo que tenéis que hacer es cerrarlas.
All you have to do is close them.
Pero ahora no podía cerrarlos.
But I couldn’t close them now.
El grifo goteaba agua fría constantemente y era imposible cerrarlo.
Cold water was constantly dripping from the faucet and it was impossible to close the tap.
Las autoridades rwandesas dieron la orden de cerrarlo por la fuerza.
The Rwandan authorities gave orders to close it by force.
En lugar de cerrarlas, están reforzando las bases militares ilegales con más personal y equipo.
Instead of being closed down, the illegal military bases are being reinforced by additional personnel and equipment.
Las inscripciones se abrieron en abril de 2012, con la intención de cerrarlas a finales de agosto de 2012.
Registration commenced in April 2012, with the intention of closing in late August 2012.
Está bien, cerrarla.
Okay, close it.
Vamos a cerrarla.
We'll close it.
- Voy a cerrarla.
- I'm closing it.
Necesitamos cerrarla y cerrarla para siempre.
We need to close it and close it for good.
Cerrarlas no, Majestad.
Not closed, Majesty.
Tenía que cerrarla.
She had to close the ragtop.
–Tengo que cerrarla.
I have to close the door.
No había tiempo para cerrarla.
There was no time to close it.
No podemos cerrarlo.
We cannot close it.
—¡Y de cerrarlo otra vez!
‘And to close it!’ I shouted.
—¿No puedes cerrarla?
You cannot close it?
¡No podrán cerrarla!
They can't get it closed.
Se olvidó de cerrarla.
He forgot to close it.
estaban a punto de cerrarla.
They were about to close the door.
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