Traduzione per "caminaban" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Además, algunos alumnos caminaban largas distancias para llegar a los centros de enseñanza.
Also, some pupils walk long distances to get to school.
También cabe señalar que en el camino de Dilling a Kadugli se veía a muchos civiles armados que caminaban aparentemente sin rumbo preciso.
It must also be noted that along the road from Dilling to Kadugli a lot of armed civilians were seen, walking around apparently without any specific reason.
Estaban presentes unos 20 guardias de sexo femenino, que caminaban sobre los reclusos, les pateaban los genitales y se burlaban de sus partes pudendas.
Around 20 female warders were present and walked over the inmates, kicking them in their genitals and making mocking remarks about their private parts.
Las FDI indicaron que los colonos habían disparado después de ser apedreados por los palestinos cuando caminaban cerca de la plaza de la Comisaría de Policía en Hebrón.
The IDF indicated that settlers had opened fire after they were stoned while walking near the Police Square in Hebron.
Muchas de las personas que resultaron muertas no participaban en acciones violentas, simplemente caminaban por la calle.
Numerous persons who were killed were not involved in violent actions but were simply walking in the street.
Los soldados caminaban a ambos lados del tren, disparaban a su alrededor y a veces prendían fuego a las casas.
Soldiers were walking on each side of the train and were shooting on the area and sometimes torching houses.
En esta ocasión, los terroristas atacaron a adolescentes israelíes que caminaban por el arcén, hiriendo gravemente a un joven de 14 años.
In this attack, terrorists fired at Israeli teenagers walking by the roadside, wounding a 14-year-old critically.
Esto pareció evidente durante la visita de la Misión a Podujevo, aunque se vio a muchos que caminaban hacia el mercado cerca del centro.
This appeared evident during the Mission's visit to Podujevo, although many were seen walking towards the market near the centre.
El 16 de septiembre de 1999, el Sr. Gonchar y el Sr. Krasovsky fueron abordados mientras caminaban por la calle por varias personas no identificadas.
When walking on the street on 16 September 1999, Mr. Gonchar and Mr. Krasovsky were approached by several unidentified individuals.
Al mismo tiempo, hoy se observó que decenas de miles de personas caminaban hacia esos campamentos desde la parte oriental de Bukavu.
At the same time, tens of thousands of people were seen walking towards these camps from the eastern side of Bukavu today.
Corrían, caminaban, me miraban.
Running by, walking by, looking at me.
- ¿caminaban hasta el buzón?
- Walk to the postbox? -Sometimes.
Todos caminaban descalzos.
Everyone was walking barefooted.
- La forma como caminaban.
- The way they were walking.
Casi todos caminaban desnudos.
Most everyone was walking around naked.
Caminaban hacia el destino.
They were walking towards fate.
Caminaban hacia atrás.
They were walking back.
Los chicos caminaban juntos.
They walked together.
Los dos caminaban juntos.
We both walked together.
... porque los "tullidos" caminaban ...
... because here the "lame" walked ...
Caminaban y caminaban, encorvados debido al peso de las mochilas.
They walked and walked, hunched forward against the weight of their packs.
Caminaban silenciosamente.
They walked in silence.
Caminaban lentamente.
They walked slowly.
Hasta entonces, caminaban.
Until then, they walked.
No caminaban, se deslizaban.
They didn’t walk, they glided.
Caminaban más de prisa.
They were walking faster.
Caminaban muy despacio.
They walked very slowly.
Y los licántropos caminaban con él.
And the werewolves walked with him.
Ellos, con su ejército, no avanzarían mucho más que cuando caminaban penosamente por la orilla.
They could still only go as fast as the army, trudging along the bank,
Eran todos muy remilgados... estos delgados hombres blancos con pequeños bigotes que caminaban así.
They were all very prissy... these little skinny white men with little mustaches who would go like this.
Todos ellos caminaban juntamente hacia la muerte.
They were going to ride right into death.
Caminaban en dirección a la inescalable pared rocosa.
They were going in the direction of the steep wall of unclimbable rock.
Pero ninguno de aquellos hombres que caminaban en fila iba a comprar el periódico.
But none of those men marching in a line was going to buy the paper.
Luego cuatro Caballeros, que portaban algo y caminaban muy lentamente, aparecieron en cubierta.
Then four Knights, carrying something and going very slowly, appeared on the deck.
—preguntó Peter mientras caminaban hacia ellos—. ¿Qué vais a hacer con tanto Ferrari?
Peter said, as they approached the cars. “What’re you going to do with them?”
Los tres caminaban con precauciones: uno se cuidaba la espalda; el otro, la pierna;
They had to go carefully, all three of them. One had to watch out for his back and one for his leg, and the third had a little crutch to help him along.
Dos de ellos caminaban por las mismas escaleras, uno hacia arriba y otro hacia abajo.
two dummies climbed a flight of stairs in the same direction, one going up, one down...
Los tres cazadores caminaban sin esfuerzo a paso ligero detrás de ella.
             Behind her, the three hunters trotted easily, chests hardly rising and falling.
Agriamente, pasó revista a un grupo de niños negros con mochilas en la espalda que caminaban por la acera de enfrente.
Sourly, he eyed a pack of young black kids wearing rucksacks on their backs, trotting along the pavement across the street.
Se colocaron los puentes exactamente igual, otra vez en los tres camino-puentes, y los viajeros y cargadores caminaban y pasaban por ellos.
All three causeways were again bridged intact, and travelers and porters trudged and trotted back and forth across them.
Mientras caminaban por el muelle, un destacamento de soldados de truculento aspecto pasó junto a ellas al trote en dirección contraria; sus armas repicaban al ritmo de sus aceleradas zancadas.
As they marched up the pier, a squad of grisly-looking soldiers trotted past in the opposite direction, their weapons clanging as they went.
Era un hombre alto, pero la mayor parte de su volumen se concentraba en su torso, y tuvo que medio trotar para igualar sus grandes zancadas mientras caminaban por el pasillo central.
He was a tall man, but much of his bulk was in his torso, and he had to half-trot to match her long-legged stride as they moved down the central hall.
Las bombas palestinas colocadas en las carreteras han mutilado a niños en autobuses escolares, y los terroristas han aporreado y matado a pedradas a jóvenes israelíes cuando caminaban cerca de sus casas.
Palestinian roadside bombs have maimed children in school buses, and Israeli youngsters were bludgeoned and stoned to death by terrorists while hiking near their homes.
Caminaban pesadamente sobre la nieve, en silencio.
They clumped on home through the snow in silence.
Subieron hacia la casa. Caminaban despacio porque se sentían exhaustos.
They all went home - rather slowly, because they were so tired.
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