Traduzione per "bahía de delagoa" a inglese
Bahía de delagoa
Esempi di traduzione.
compré pasaje por unas pocas libras en un bergantín mercante que hacía la travesía entre Durban y la bahía de Delagoa[7].
so I took a passage for a few pounds in a trading brig that ran between Durban and Delagoa Bay.
Yo sabía que en esos seis días podríamos llegar a un distrito donde abundaban los porteadores y desde donde podríamos enviar fácilmente el marfil a la bahía de Delagoa.
I knew that in six days we should be able to reach a district where porters were plentiful, and whence we could easily get the ivory conveyed to Delagoa Bay.
Si el piadoso Eneas, cuya historia me leían ustedes la otra noche, hubiese sido un nativo mestizo de la bahía de Delagoa, Aquiles habría tenido muy pocas probabilidades de salir de Troya, siempre que se hubiese sabido, naturalmente, que ya había hecho testamento en forma satisfactoria.
If the pious �eas, whose story you were reading to me the other night, had been a mongrel Delagoa Bay native, Anchises would have had a poor chance of getting out of Troy, that is, if he was known to have made a satisfactory will.
Necesitamos todo el día para cortárselos, y cuando llegaron a la bahía de Delagoa, adonde fueron enviados, aunque no a mi cargo, sólo el colmillo del elefante más grande pesaba ciento sesenta libras, y los otros cuatro, noventa y nueve libras y media[17]. Una cantidad de marfil maravillosa, y en realidad casi sin precedentes. Por desgracia, me vi obligado a aserrar en dos el gran colmillo; de lo contrario, no habríamos podido transportarlo. —¡Oh Quatermain!
It took us all day to cut them out; and when they reached Delagoa Bay, as they did ultimately, though not in my keeping, the single tusk of the big bull scaled one hundred and sixty pounds, and the four other tusks averaged ninety-nine and a half pounds--a most wonderful, indeed an almost unprecedented, lot of ivory.[*] Unfortunately I was forced to saw the big tusk in two, otherwise we could not have carried it."       [*] The largest elephant tusk of which the Editor has any certain knowledge scaled one hundred and fifty pounds.       "Oh, Quatermain, you barbarian!"
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