Traduzione per "atreverse a" a inglese
Atreverse a
Esempi di traduzione.
Pero sobre todo, se preguntan diversas organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan al lado de los más pobres: ¿cómo se atreverían estas personas a acercarse a esos servicios, sabiendo que se les reprochará su vestimenta o su aspecto, que se les hará sentir que se expresan mal y que no se les entiende? ¿Cómo atreverse a enviar a su hijo a la escuela, sabiendo que se le estigmatizará porque su aspecto y su actitud reflejan la miseria y que existe el riesgo de que se retire al niño del cuidado de su familia sin siquiera consultar a ésta?
However, the main concern of several non-governmental organizations working with the poorest is how the poorest can pluck up the courage to approach these facilities when they know that they will be criticized for their clothes or demeanour, made to feel that they express themselves badly and that they can not be understood. How can they pluck up the courage to send a child to school when they know he will be singled out because his appearance and attitude bear the stigma of poverty and there is even the risk that he will be taken away from his family without it even being consulted.
Es frecuente elogiar a los viajeros por atreverse a adentrarse en lugares peligrosos.
Travelers often become celebrated for risking trips through dangerous places.
Con una «e». —Acercó una silla, sin atreverse a preguntar si podía hacernos compañía-.
‘With an “e”.’ He pulled up a chair, not risking to ask if he could join us.
Por lo tanto, al atreverse a su valiente contraataque, Carmody se enfrentó con un riesgo espiritual considerable;
Therefore, by virtue of his spirited counterattack, Carmody had met and overcome a considerable spiritual risk.
No sabía si debía atreverse a decir la verdad, pero pensó que en el fondo no tenía mucho que perder.
She didn’t know if she could risk speaking the truth. But really, she thought, she didn’t have much to lose.
Casi como si viviera en otra dimensión, inaccesible para los demás, y pudiera arriesgarse a lo que quisiera, atreverse a todo.
Almost as though he lived in another dimension, un-enterable to others, so that he could risk anything, dare everything.
Unos cinco minutos más tarde vio que Ganz se relajaba y supo que ya podía atreverse a escuchar de nuevo.
  It must have been five minutes before he saw Ganz relax and felt he could risk listening.
¿Qué hacía allí dentro? Mira que atreverse a aparecer en público cuando sabía que la Policía lo andaba buscando.
Why would he risk going out in public at all when he knew that the police were looking for him?
―Hola ―dijo Jared, sin apenas atreverse a decir nada más porque sentía que su voz iba a quebrarse y hacerse añicos.
"Hi," Jared said, hardly risking saying any more because he felt like his voice could break and shatter.
Y aunque la de atreverse a cruzar las montañas en invierno parecía la más descabellada, su afán por salir de Rusia era tan grande que resolvieron arriesgase a ella.
Although trying the mountains in winter seemed the most foolhardy their urge to leave Russia behind was so great that they decided to risk it.
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