Traduzione per "asistir a una boda" a inglese
Asistir a una boda
Esempi di traduzione.
En abril de 1997, el Sr. Khalilov visitó su pueblo natal (Khosilot kolkhoz), en el distrito de Gulliston, para asistir a la boda de su hermana.
In April 1997, Mr. Khalilov visited his home town (Khosilot kolkhoz) in the Gulliston district, to attend the wedding of his sister.
—¿Su Majestad asistirá a la boda?
“Her Majesty is attending the wedding?”
—Madre, ¿vas a poder asistir a esa boda?
Mother, will you be able to attend this wedding?
También dijo que no deseabas asistir a la boda.
She said too that you didn’t wish to attend the wedding.”
El padre de Margaret Kochamma se había negado a asistir a la boda.
Margaret Kochamma’s father had refused to attend the wedding.
Me niego rotundamente a asistir a tu boda si el novio es un duque.
“I flatly refuse to attend your wedding if the groom is a duke.”
Creen que se pondrá bien, pero, naturalmente, no podrán asistir a la boda.
They think he'll pull through, but of course they won't be able to attend the wedding."
Solo tienes que pedir permiso al sultán para asistir a la boda de un querido amigo.
Just ask the Sultan for leave to attend the wedding of a dear friend.
—Me alegro de que se haya repuesto lo suficiente como para asistir a la boda —dijo otra de las monjas—.
"I'm glad she was well enough to attend the wedding," another nun said.
Sólo está de paso hacia casa, y se detendrá aquí para asistir a la boda.
He was on his way home, and broke his journey here to attend the wedding.
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