Traduzione per "apóstata" a inglese
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Se dice que fue declarado apóstata por ciertos clérigos importantes.
He is said to have been declared an apostate by certain prominent clerics.
En lo que respecta a su derecho a heredar, ninguna disposición de la sharia impide a un testador designar a un apóstata como heredero universal, como nada le impide tampoco desheredar al apóstata mediante disposiciones escritas; su voluntad debe ser respetada.
Regarding the right to inheritance, under sharia nothing prevented a testator from naming an apostate as universal legatee, and nothing in the written provisions of sharia prevented a testator from disinheriting an apostate; the testator's will must therefore be respected.
Sobre esa base, se consideró que era un apóstata y fue sentenciado a muerte.
On that basis he was found to be an apostate and was sentenced to death.
Los apóstatas disfrutan sin limitaciones de todos los derechos civiles y políticos.
Apostates enjoyed all civil and political rights without exception.
Sin embargo, sí declararon apóstata a Salman Rushdie.
However, they did pronounce Salman Rushdie to be an apostate.
Habría calificado de apóstata al escritor, y exigido que se arrepintiera, so pena de ser declarado apóstata por las autoridades, de que se decretara su divorcio y se le aplicara la pena capital.
He apparently called the writer an apostate, demanded that he should repent or be declared an apostate by the authorities, and that his marriage should then be ended and he should be executed.
El Imam Khomeiní ha disparado una flecha contra este desvergonzado apóstata.
Imam Khomeini has shot an arrow at this impudent apostate.
Parece ser que calificó de apóstata al escritor y exigió que se arrepintiera, so pena de ser declarado apóstata por las autoridades, lo que hubiera entrañado la imposición del divorcio y la pena capital.
He apparently called the writer an apostate, demanded that he should repent or be declared an apostate by the authorities, which would have led to his divorce and to application of the death penalty.
Con todo, los Ministros sí declararon que Salman Rushdie era un apóstata.
However, they did declare that Salman Rushdie was an apostate.
De conformidad con la justicia divina, el escritor apóstata debe ser ejecutado ...
In accordance with divine justice, the apostate writer has to be executed ...
¿Quiénes con esos apóstatas?
Who are these apostates?
Aquí no hay apóstatas.
Ain't no apostates here.
El enemigo son los apóstatas.
The enemy are apostates.
Es una apóstata del infierno.
She's an apostate of hell.
Él es un apóstata.
He is an apostate.
Mancilladas, apóstatas, mujeres promiscuas.
Soiled, apostate, hence promiscuous women.
¿El apóstata hizo esto?
Did the apostate do this?
Mamá. Apóstata, doña Herminia, apóstata.
Apostate, Dona Herminia, apostate.
¡Pequeño apóstata engañoso!
Deceitful little apostate!
Este es tu destino, apóstata.
Here is your destiny, apostate.
La vergüenza del apóstata.
The apostate’s shame.
—Eres un apóstata, canalla.
“‘You are an apostate, wretch.
Un mundo sin apóstatas.
A world without apostates.
Afirman que soy un apóstata.
They call me an apostate.
Acab no fue ningún apóstata.
Ahab was not an apostate.
Entonces eres un apóstata! Un hereje!
Then you are apostate! A heretic!
Apóstata, blasfemo, farsante.
Apostate, blasphemer, fraud.
Como era previsible, quien peor estaba era el apóstata.
The apostate, predictably, was the worst.
No me hables de esos apóstatas.
Listen, don't talk to me about that bunch of backsliders.
Han apostató un poco desde la noche Benjamin Britten.
They've backslid a bit since the Benjamin Britten evening.
Solo hay que recordar las purgas de Stalin y de Mao: todas sus víctimas fueron correligionarios comunistas que murieron por apóstatas.
Think of Stalin’s and Mao’s purges-all fellow communists, but butchered for being backsliders.”
Los turistas me consideraban un apóstata, los trotamundos parecían pensar que era un intruso, y los lugareños no me entendían.
Tourists regarded me as a backslider, wanderers seemed to think I was an intruder, and natives did not understand me.
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