Traduzione per "algo poder" a inglese
Algo poder
Esempi di traduzione.
Cuando no hay un consenso, no tiene caso someter a la Conferencia aquello que se sabe que la Conferencia no va a poder adoptar.
When there is no consensus, there is no point submitting to the Conference something which we know the Conference will not be able to adopt.
No obstante, el poder legislativo consideró necesario elaborar disposiciones relativas a los matrimonios de "favor".
Parliament has, however, decided that something must be done about "marriages of convenience".
20. Algo tiene que cambiar para poder desbloquear la situación que ha paralizado la Conferencia de Desarme.
20. Something has got to give if this conundrum that has paralysed the Conference on Disarmament is to be resolved.
Esto es algo a lo que Serbia y Montenegro presta especial atención, y que se esfuerza por lograr en el marco de su labor de reforma del poder judicial y las leyes penales.
That is something that Serbia and Montenegro pays great attention to and that it strives for in reforming the judiciary and the penal laws.
Confiamos en poder ratificar este importante instrumento a la brevedad posible, como es nuestro genuino deseo.
We hope that we will be able to ratify this important instrument as soon as possible; that is something to which we truly aspire.
No obstante, otros la consideran una semilla o un elemento para poder iniciar el proyecto de destrucción.
However, others see it as seedcorn, or as something to provide a jump-start to the destruction project.
Sugiere que la Comisión prepare un proyecto para poder disponer de algo por anticipado.
The suggestion was that the Commission should prepare a draft so that something would be available in advance.
La escala jerárquica no estaba bien definida y el poder judicial no inspiraba confianza, situación que revestía importancia para los inversores.
Currently, there was no clear line of authority and no confidence in the judiciary, something that was important to investors.
Tenía que poder hacer algo.
There had to be something I could do.
Sobre todo para poder comer algo.
Not least in order to get something to eat.
—Dame algo a lo que poder aferrarme.
Give me something to hang on to.
Poder amar algo, ¡qué alivio!
And something to love—what a salvation!
Daría algo por poder verlo.
I’d give something to see that.
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