Traduzione per "absolverlo" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Vik se apuró a absolverlo.
Vik rushed to absolve him.
—Si lo es, Mopso, entonces haré todo lo que esté a mi alcance para absolverlo.
If he is, Mopsus, then I intend to do everything in my power to absolve him.
¿Podríais absolverlo para que pueda afrontar el resto de sus días?
Can you absolve him so that he can face the rest of his life?
De hecho, hizo todo lo posible para absolverlo de cualquier sentimiento de culpa.
had, in fact, done everything in his power to absolve him of any feelings of guilt.
De pronto, Meilan sintió la necesidad de absolverlo de todas las mujeres con que había bailado.
she felt an urge to absolve him of all the women he had danced with.
Como hijo suyo que soy, sus actos criminales me duelen y no es mi intención absolverle de su culpa.
As his son, his criminal acts pain me, and it is not my intent to absolve him of his guilt.
Esa comprensión generaba lástima suficiente como para absolverlo de casi cualquier crítica. —Esperamos —contestó él—.
That understanding generated enough sympathy to absolve him from almost any criticism. “We waited,” he said.
La propia red de Saúl exigió un ulterior gesto de buena fe antes de absolverle de culpa, sin embargo.
Saul’s own network required a further gesture of good faith before they’d absolve him of blame, however.
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