Esempi di traduzione.
Sr. Viswanathan (India) (interpretación del inglés): No sabía que íbamos a aprobar el proyecto de resolución.
Mr. Viswanathan (India): I was not aware that we were going to adopt the draft resolution.
Como informé a la Asamblea al principio, habíamos discutido con las delegaciones interesadas en esta cuestión la manera en que íbamos a proceder.
As I informed the Assembly at the beginning, we have discussed with the delegations involved in this issue how we are going to proceed.
Ibamos primeramente a Ramallah porque había una especie de celebración.
We were going to Ramallah first because there was a kind of celebration.
Mi hermana sabía que íbamos al Sudán.
My sister was aware that we were going to the Sudan.
A veces parecía que nos íbamos a asfixiar.
At times we thought we were going to die from the smell.
El distinguido representante de Marruecos preguntó qué procedimiento íbamos a seguir.
The distinguished representative of Morocco inquired how we are going to proceed.
La semana pasada empezamos a tener dudas acerca de que si íbamos a lograr un acuerdo.
Last week we began to have doubts as to whether we were going to reach agreement.
Nos dijeron que nos íbamos a quedar ahí y que no volveríamos a irnos.
We were told that we were going to stay here and not leave again.
Nos drogaban cada vez que íbamos en alguna misión.
We were drugged whenever we were to go on mission.
Cinco días después nos dijo que nos íbamos a quedar con ellos.
After five days, he informed us that we were going to stay with them.
Sólo nos íbamos.
We'd just go.
Íbamos a salir.
We're going out.
- Ya nos ibamos.
- Let's just go.
¿no nos ibamos?
Aren't we going?
Íbamos a bailar.
We'd go dancing.
Ya nos íbamos.
We were going.
Íbamos a hacerlo.
We're going to.
—A eso íbamos, ¿no?
“We’re going to, aren’t we?
No íbamos a arrestar a bin Laden, íbamos a destruirlo.
We were not going to arrest bin Laden. We were going to destroy him.
En mi familia no íbamos a la iglesia, pero tampoco íbamos al templo.
My family, well, we didn’t go to church–but we didn’t go to temple either.
—Pero ¿no íbamos al cine?
‘But we were going to the flicks?’
—De que íbamos a un prostíbulo.
‘That we were going to a brothel.’
Íbamos a conseguirlo.
We were going to make it.
Íbamos a cambiarlo.
We were going to change it.
—Hemos de seguir por donde íbamos.
It is where we were going.
Íbamos a casarnos.
We were to be married.
Íbamos con cuidado.
We were being really careful.
Ese día, cumplía con mi labor como conductor de ambulancia y me dirigía a un lugar llamado Erez en el norte de Gaza, desde donde íbamos a transportar a heridos a los hospitales palestinos.
On that day, I was discharging my responsibility and performing my duty as an ambulance driver and I was heading to a place called Erez in the north of Gaza, from where we were transporting wounded people to the Palestinian hospitals.
Íbamos a Guatemala.
We're headed for Guatemala.
Nos íbamos ya.
So, um, we're just heading out.
Íbamos hacia allí.
We're headed that way.
Íbamos para allá.
That's where we were headed.
Íbamos al tranvía.
We were heading to the tram.
- Nosotros íbamos a Flagstaff.
We're headed to Flagstaff. Cool.
Íbamos para casa.
We-we were heading home.
¿No nos íbamos?
Aren't we heading down the old trail?
Ibamos hacia casa.
We were heading home.
Íbamos de regreso a casa. Íbamos de regreso a casa.
“We were headed straight home. We were headed straight home.”
—No mucho. Nos íbamos ya para casa.
Not much. We're heading home.
A donde íbamos cuando ocurrió todo esto.
Where we were headed when all this happened.
Y nosotros nos íbamos justo allí.
And we were headed right into it.
Íbamos hacia las montañas.
We were heading towards the mountains.
Íbamos por ese camino, y lo sabes.
“We were heading for that, and you know it.”
Lissa estaba sorprendida por el comentario ―íbamos a
Lissa was surprised at the "heading out"
¿Hacia dónde íbamos ahora?
Where were we heading now?
Íbamos directos hacia un muro.
We were heading straight for a wall.
Íbamos hacia el norte de la 410.
Sólo íbamos a casa.
We're just walking home.
Íbamos caminando al supermercado.
We could walk to 7-Eleven.
Íbamos a pie
You walked me home
Íbamos, se sacaban las cañas.
Walking, or dropping a line.
Íbamos hacia el centro.
We were walking downtown.
Luego nos íbamos al establo.
Then we walk to the barn.
Íbamos paseando por el parque.
We were walking in the park.
Siempre íbamos en grupo.
We walked in groups always.
Sabíamos adónde íbamos.
We knew what we were walking towards.
En el camino de regreso, íbamos rápido;
On the way back, we walked quickly;
Íbamos andando camino a la casa.
We went on walking along the drive.
Íbamos caminando por la avenida Tremont.
We were walking down Tremont Avenue.
Íbamos de paso.
We're just passing through.
Ibamos de paso y les vimos desde la arboleda.
We were passing by and saw them from the trees.
- Sólo íbamos pasando por aquí.
- Uh, we-we were just passing by.
Íbamos hacia arriba, dijimos que te lo pasaríamos.
We were on our way up, said we'd pass it along.
Sólo íbamos de paso a una reunión familiar.
We're just passing through on our way to a family reunion.
Íbamos por el camino desde San Felipe...
We, were passing through on the road from San Felipe...
Pasamos por delante de una cafetería cuando nos íbamos.
We passed a diner on our way out.
—¿No era ésta la cal e por la que íbamos al Strand?
"Wasn't the street that we passed back there the Strand?
Como sabía que íbamos a pasar por Barcelona…
Since we were passing through Barcelona…
—¿Periodistas o cooperantes? —Íbamos de paso.
‘Journalists or aid workers?’ ‘We were just passing.
—Hemos pasado por delante cuando íbamos a Maidstone —le informó ella—.
'We passed it on the way to Maidstone,' she said.
Mi oferta y yo íbamos a ser sometidos a juicio.
I was to have judgment passed on me and my offer.
El agradable silencio que nos sobrevolaba a ambos cuando íbamos en coche.
The agreeable quiet that passed over us both in car rides.
Nos veíamos cuando íbamos a clase. Me enviaba notas.
I used to see him sometimes when we went to classes. He used to pass me notes.
Me condujo a otro hotel, donde íbamos a pasar la noche juntos.
She led me to another hotel where we were to pass the night together.
Les estaba explicando que para hacer algo íbamos a necesitar más que un artículo.
-How you doing? -I was explaining that in order for us to pursue this we'll need more than an article in a newspaper.
A cambio no íbamos a perseguir las pautas de la Economía de Combustible.
In return, we wouldn't really pursue fuel economy standards.
Íbamos tras pistas del cartel de Cali.
We were pursuing leads on the Cali cartel.
¡Creía que hoy íbamos a perseguir a esos malditos franceses!
I thought we were pursuing the bloody French today!
Esperábamos dejar a la niña y a su protector aquí, en el torreón, mientras los demás íbamos por la llave.
We were hoping to leave the girl and her protector here at the keep while the rest of us pursue the key.
Jugábamos al ajedrez como jugábamos a los demás juegos infantiles: buscando irreflexivamente una victoria rápida y arbitraria y pensando ya en lo que íbamos a hacer después.
We played chess the way we played all the other childhood games: heedlessly pursuing the rush of an arbitrary victory, already invested in the next thing to do.
Entonces, ibamos cavando medio metro... era un trabajo bárbaro, y poniéndole ese cartón, no?
We dug to fit and place the panels. A tough job
Se suponía que íbamos a encontrarnos para la prueba del vestido esta mañana.
I was supposed to meet her for a dress fitting first thing this morning.
Íbamos... Pero luego Avery la lió.
We were, then Avery threw a fit.
- ¿en qué piso roñoso de qué pueblo íbamos a caber todos, críos, viejos, tíos, tías y nueras?
In what lousy town would we all fit, animals, old folks, aunts, uncles, etc?
Íbamos a hacer las últimas pruebas de mi traje de novia.
We were on our way for my final fitting for my wedding dress.
Uno aparece en ella tal como es, sin máscara, y debe vestir sin arrogancia, pero nosotros íbamos ataviados con suntuosa elegancia;
one appears as oneself, without a mask, and should dress without hubris. But we were fitted out with sumptuous elegance;
las palabras podían tener mucha gracia – eso no lo íbamos a discutir – mas esa seriedad, esa refinada ironía... ¡era demasiado!
The words alone, we said, were enough to send us into fits, but added to his mock seriousness—oh, it was too much!
Íbamos tan apretados los tres en la embarcación que el agua llegaba hasta la borda, pero, el hombre nos llevó sanos y salvos a la costa y nos dejó cerca de la cabaña de la radio.
Barely fitting into his boat, water level with the sides but sliding harmlessly by, he put us ashore near the wireless hut.
Las primeras palabras que se pronunciaron fueron para bendecir la mesa y dar gracias al Señor por el alimento que íbamos a tomar, y a continuación Mary-Anne nos sirvió una comida digna de reyes.
The first words spoken were the grace said in thanks to the Lord for the food on our plates, and then Mary-Anne served us up a meal fit for a king.
¿Puedo confiar en que no volveréis a escaparos? —¿Por qué íbamos a hacerlo?
“I can trust you not to run away again?” “Why would we?”
Ahora bien, la noche pasada pregunté, y me temo que lo pregunté dos veces, si podíamos aclarar de algún modo cuáles eran las decisiones que se esperaba adoptar hoy a fin de poder obtener algunas instrucciones o por lo menos tener una idea más clara de acerca de qué íbamos a adoptar decisiones.
Now I asked last night - I fear I asked twice - if I could have some clarity on what decisions it was that we were expected to take today in order that we could get some instructions or at least have a clearer picture of what it was we were deciding upon.
—Y ahora, a lo que íbamos.
“Now, let’s get back to the problem.
—¿Por qué íbamos a levantarlos?
Why would we get them up?
No íbamos a ninguna parte.
We were getting nowhere.
La verdad es que ya nos íbamos.
We’re running a bit late, in fact.
No sabía que íbamos a ganar a la larga.
He didn’t know we’d win in the long run.
—Te dije que íbamos a cruzarnos con alguien.
“I said we’d run into someone, you little silly.
Ibamos al cine. Vestías tu vestido rosa... Que me gusta tanto.
You were wearing that pink suit... that I really like.
Íbamos a ponernos a dieta para comprar trajes de baño nuevos.
Both of us were tryin' to lose weight so we could buy new bathing suits.
La traje por si acaso, porque no sabíamos si lo íbamos a encontrar.
The suit case, we did not know if we would find.
Mi madre se ponía un traje de chaqueta gris cuando íbamos a buscar casa.
My mother wore a smart gray suit when we went house hunting.
Todos estábamos ya dispuestos para saltar del transbordador, solo que íbamos a hacerlo antes de lo esperado.
We were all already suited up to jump out of the shuttle. We were just doing it earlier now.
Todos íbamos equipados con trajes de vacío y máscaras recicladoras. —¿Cómo es posible? —preguntó Eleena.
We’d all brought vacuum suits and rebreathers. ‘How is that possible?’ Eleena had asked.
Íbamos casi todo el día enfundados en el mono de vuelo y vivíamos en barracones alargados e independientes.
We wore flying suits most of the day and lived in long, open-bay barracks.
Nosotros íbamos detrás.
All of us right behind them.
Emily y yo íbamos detrás, vigilándolos.
Emily and I trailed behind, keeping an eye on them.
Las dificultades, las demoras, todos íbamos rezagados de un modo u otro.
With the difficulties, the delays, everyone fell behind.
Luego íbamos la Dama y yo, también con animales de carga detrás.
Then came Lady and I, also with tethers behind.
—Baldwin de la Troville y yo, Alteza, íbamos detrás de Walter.
Baldwin de la Troville and I, Highness, are both ranked behind Walter.
Era al final del juego e íbamos ganando.
It was at the end and we were leading.
Íbamos ganando ¿y ahora pones sillas de ruedas afuera?
We had the lead, and now you're putting wheelchairs in the outfield?
Fue tan bien, pensé que íbamos a llegar a más.
It went so well, I thought it would lead to more.
Justo cuando íbamos en cabeza, esto.
Just as we're leading the pack, this.
Ibamos a la cabeza.
We were in the lead.
A la cabeza íbamos quinientos, todos montados.
There were five hundred of us in the lead, all mounted.
Íbamos ganando nueve a siete y sin esfuerzo.
We were leading nine-seven, and coasting.
Todavía no íbamos a ningún lugar en particular.
I didn’t lead us anywhere in particular yet;
Cahuella, Gitta y yo íbamos en el de cabeza, junto con Dieterling.
Cahuella, Gitta and I rode in the lead vehicle, along with Dieterling.
El Sanador y yo íbamos a pie, tirando de la muía y del perro amarillo.
The Healer and I brought up the rear on foot, leading the mule and the yellow dog.
El Presidente: Creo que había expresado que íbamos a respetar la reglamentación de la Asamblea General.
The Chairperson (spoke in Spanish): As I think we have already noted, we shall follow the rules of procedure of the General Assembly.
¿Por qué íbamos a seguirte?
Why would we follow you?
Un soldado de distinción, ¿cómo no íbamos a seguirlo?
A soldier of distinction - how can we not follow you?
¿De verdad pensábais que no íbamos a seguir a nuestro líder?
Did you really think we wouldn't follow our Captain?
Royal y yo se suponía que íbamos a seguir sus pasos.
Royal and I were supposed o follow in their footsteps.
Íbamos por la avenida de La République.
We followed Avenue de la République.
Íbamos siguiendo la orilla del lago.
We followed the lakeshore road.
Al día siguiente íbamos nosotros. No pude dormir.
The following day was ours. I could not sleep.
Íbamos por el bulevar de Inkermann a paso de procesión.
We followed Boulevard d’Inkermann at parade speed.
Jim y yo íbamos un poco más lentos, pero no perdimos tiempo.
Jim and I followed in a slightly more leisurely manner, but we wasted no time.
Íbamos por un terreno empinado; el sendero por el que cabalgábamos se convirtió en un arroyo.
The land was rising and the track we followed turned into a stream.
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