Traduzione per "áreas que tienen" a inglese
Áreas que tienen
Esempi di traduzione.
Es la autoridad política suprema en todas las áreas de competencia autonómica y, como tal, establece las normas en esas áreas.
It is the supreme political authority for areas which have been transferred to home rule and, as such, it lays down the rules for those areas.
iii) Una descripción de los métodos utilizados para identificar y liberar estas áreas, así como de las áreas que han sido sometidas a reconocimiento y limpiadas.
(iii) A description of the methods that have been used to identify and release these areas, and of the areas that have been surveyed and cleared.
9. En la solicitud se indica que el Ecuador prevé ocuparse de las áreas que quedan por desminar mediante técnicas de desminado manual y mecánico (después de realizar "estudios de impacto" en las áreas en las que aún no lo haya hecho).
The request indicates that Ecuador plans to address remaining areas through manual and mechanical demining (following "impact studies" of areas that have not yet been subject to impact studies).
Están en áreas que tienen una abundancia de derecho oro ahora, así que es muy posible que que podría haber minado.
They're in areas that have an abundance of gold right now, so it's very possible that they could have mined it.
Hay cuatro áreas que tienen Spartina alterniflora.
There are four areas that have Spartina alterniflora.
But there are many areas we have not had the time to study.
But there are many areas we have not had the time to study.
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