Traduzione per "отер" a inglese
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Потом отер рукавом с лица копоть, пот и слезы.
Then he drew his sleeve across his face, wiping away the grime, and sweat, and tears.
– Плоховаты наши дела, друзья мои, – сказал он и отер рукавом пот со лба.
‘Things go ill, my friends,’ he said, wiping the sweat from his brow with his arm.
Рука, которой он отер пот со своей верхней губы, дрожала. — Мы жаждали этого и жаждем сейчас.
His hand shook as he wiped sweat from his upper lip. “We did desire it—we do.”
Он еще раз отер грудь.
He wiped his chest a second time.
Тыльной стороной ладони он отер рот, отер кровь с губ. Ее кровь.
With the back of his hand, he wiped his mouth. Wiping away blood. Her blood.
Он отер пот со лба.
He wiped sweat from his brow.
Серегил сердито отер лицо.
He wiped his face angrily.
Панта отер пот с лица.
Pantha wiped sweat from his face;
Реджи отцепился и отер рот.
He moved away, wiped his mouth.
Он отер рот и взглянул на Фрейзера:
He wiped his mouth and glanced at Fraser.
Лето отер пот со лба.
Leto wiped sweat from his brow.
Пьяный отер рот и рассмеялся:
The drunk wiped the drool from his mouth and laughed.
Он отер окровавленные руки о землю.
He wiped his bloody hands upon the ground.
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