Traduzione per "бовино" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Из-за слабости правителей власть и влияние княжества неуклонно падали с начала века, и они знали, что не смогут защитить себя от натиска нормандцев, которые уже заняли ключевые позиции на горных перевалах, завладев крепостями Бовино и Троя.
Thanks to the feebleness of their princes, their power and influence had continued to decline since the beginning of the century, and they knew that they could not possibly defend themselves against an all-out attack by the Normans, who already held such key-points on the mountain passes as Bovino and Troia.
Но поскольку главную дорогу на восток из Беневенто контролировали крепости Троя и Бовине, находившиеся в руках нормандцев, Лев IX повел свое войска окружным путем — на север через долину Биферно и затем на восток за Монте-Гаргано.
Since, however, the main road east from Benevento was dominated by the Norman-held fortresses of Troia and Bovino, he now led his army along a more circuitous northern route, through the valley of the Biferno and thence east behind Monte Gargano.
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