Traduzione per "sutherland" a inglese
  • sutherland the
  • sutherland's
Esempi di traduzione.
Sutherland ha torto.
Sutherland is wrong.
Sutherland, mi ricevi?
Sutherland, you copy?
Com'è, signora Sutherland?
How is it, Mrs. Sutherland?
-Salve, signora Sutherland.
- Hello, Mrs. Sutherland.
C'è Kiefer Sutherland
It's kiefer sutherland.
Reverendo J.P. Sutherland.
Reverend J.P. Sutherland.
Sutherland, dove sei?
Sutherland, where are you?
- E' Kiefer Sutherland quello?
–Isn't that Kiefer Sutherland?
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