Traduzione per "smaltirlo" a inglese
Esempi di traduzione.
Davvero vuoi smaltirlo tu personalmente, Grey?
You really wanna be the one to dispose of this, Grey?
Le banconote erano protette nella cassaforte, poi alcune sono state distrutte per smaltirle.
The money was heavily guarded in a vault until some of it was shredded for disposal.
Sarebbe molto facile smaltirli.
It would be very easy to have you disposed of.
Finchè non scopriamo come smaltirla in maniera sicura... ma che cosa fate?
Until we discover how to safely dispose of it... What...
E' mio dovere portarlo via da qui e tenerlo in custodia fino a quando non sara' possibile smaltirlo come previsto dalle leggi del regno.
It is my duty to take him from this place and deliver him into safe keeping until such time as he can be disposed of according to the laws of the land.
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