Traduzione per "unfussy" a tedesco
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It was English nursery food, plain and unfussy, and none the worse for it.
Gute englische Hausmannskost, nahrhaft und schnörkellos, dagegen hatte Strike nicht das Geringste einzuwenden.
But my first encounter was in Martin Ferguson Smith’s workmanlike English prose—clear and unfussy, but hardly remarkable.
Bei meiner ersten Begegnung half mir Martin Ferguson Smiths gediegene englische Prosa – klar und schnörkellos, aber kaum bemerkenswert.
He had the passion of youth, but his clarity was unfussy and seemed to belong (this was the image that came to me) to someone who had undertaken long journeys.
Er hatte die Leidenschaft der Jugend, drückte sich aber klar und schnörkellos aus, wie jemand, der lange Reisen unternommen hatte (jedenfalls kam mir das in den Sinn).
There was a Society of Eight, which, by the designation of its members (Le Fleurie was one), included the eight coolest, philosophically unfussy kickass restaurants in Lyon.
Es gab einen »Zirkel der Acht«, zu dem die acht coolsten, philosophisch schnörkellosesten, tollsten Restaurants Lyons zählten (Le Fleurie war eines davon).
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