Traduzione per "to flash by" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
Flash, flash, goes the sign above my head.
Blink, blink, macht das Schild über meinem Kopf.
    It began to flash.
Es begann zu blinken.
The asterisks began to flash.
Die Sternchen begannen zu blinken.
Four of the buttons are flashing.
Vier Tasten blinken.
Lights flash agreeably.
Lämpchen blinken zufriedenstellend.
she saw lights flash.
sie sah Lämpchen blinken.
Her turn signal flashed.
Ihr Blinker gab Signal.
The crossing lights began to flash.
Die Ampel fing an zu blinken.
The light had stopped flashing.
Die Anzeige hatte aufgehört zu blinken.
Flashing my nav lights now." "Got you.
Navigationslichter blinken jetzt." „Hab dich.
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