Traduzione per "overtaking lanes" a tedesco
Overtaking lanes
Esempi di traduzione.
Philipp Londoner was worried, there were vague and contradictory rumours coming from Moscow, the Kremlin seemed to be in turmoil, the General Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party was said to be in his death throes in the government hospital … Meno came to with a start when Anne hooted the horn: they were driving behind a convoy of timber lorries, the overtaking lane was blocked by a motorbike escort.
Philipp Londoner war besorgt, aus Moskau drangen Gerüchte, widersprüchlich und undeutbar, der Kreml schien kopfzustehen, der Generalsekretär der KPdSU sollte in Agonie im Regierungskrankenhaus liegen … Meno schreckte aus seinen Gedanken, als Anne hupte: Sie fuhren hinter einem Konvoi Schwerlasttransporter, von denen Baumstämme ragten, eine Motorradeskorte versperrte die Überholspur.
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