Traduzione per "north gate" a tedesco
North gate
  • nordtor
Esempi di traduzione.
He was approaching the North Gate now;
Er näherte sich jetzt dem Nordtor;
See you at dawn by the north gate.
Wir treffen uns bei Morgendämmerung am Nordtor.
The one Danner slew at the north gate.
Der, den Danner am Nordtor getötet hat.
This one slowly approached the north gate.
Es näherte sich langsam dem Nordtor.
Let's go have a look at the north gate."
Schauen wir mal zum Nordtor.
Æthelflaed was already waiting at the north gate.
Æthelflæd wartete bereits am Nordtor.
Previously only the North Gate had been guarded.
Seinerzeit war nur das Nordtor bewacht gewesen.
That done, he himself headed toward the North Gate.
Alsdann begab er sich selbst zum Nordtor.
He shouted at the coachman to go for the north gate.
Er rief dem Kutscher zu, zum Nordtor zu fahren.
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