Traduzione per "marines were" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
The marines were the scum of the sea, hoping to win citizenship by twenty years of sea service.
Die Marinesoldaten waren der Abschaum der Meere, sie hofften durch zwanzigjährigen Dienst auf See die Bürgerrechte zu erlangen.
The Galactic Marines were right on time.
Die Galactic Marines waren pünktlich.
To a man the Marines were both angry and disappointed.
Die Marines waren wütend und enttäuscht.
The Marines were smart and well-trained.
Die Marines waren klug und gut ausgebildet.
Three Marines were also in the pool.
Drei Marines waren ebenfalls im Tümpel.
“And the Marines were glad to have me,” my father said.
»Und die Marines waren froh, dass sie mich hatten«, ergänzte mein Vater.
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