Traduzione per "it is it took" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
"It took a little longer here, is all." "What took longer?"
»Hier hat es nur etwas länger gedauert.« »Was hat länger gedauert
“But you took your time.”
»Aber es hat gedauert
Took me a little while.
Hat etwas gedauert.
It only took a moment.
Aber das hat nur einen Moment gedauert.
That took a long time.
Das hatte lange gedauert.
It took months to accomplish.
Es hat Monate gedauert.
It just took a while.
Es hat nur eine Weile gedauert.
It only took a year,
»Es hat nur ein Jahr gedauert
It took a long time.
Es hat lange gedauert.
It took me too long.
Es hat zu lange gedauert.
It took a long time, it took forever;
Es dauerte sehr lange, es dauerte eine Ewigkeit;
It took a little while.
Es dauerte ein bisschen.
That took another hour.
Das dauerte eine Stunde.
It took him but a moment;
Das dauerte nur einen Moment;
That took a few days.
Das dauerte einige Tage.
That took several minutes.
Es dauerte einige Minuten.
It took her a moment.
Es dauerte einen Augenblick.
It took only an instant.
Das alles dauerte nur einen Augenblick.
‘But it only took a day.’
»Aber es dauerte nur einen Tag.«
It took until nightfall.
Es dauerte bis zum Abend.
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