Traduzione per "is tangible" a tedesco
Is tangible
Frasi di contesto simile
Esempi di traduzione.
It’s more tangible.”
Das ist doch greifbarer.
Their hatred was tangible.
Ihr Hass war etwas Greifbares.
But swords are tangible.
Aber Schwerter sind greifbar.
It was a tangible presence.
Sie war greifbar gegenwärtig.
I had nothing tangible.
Ich hatte nichts Greifbares.
Her speechlessness was tangible.
Ihre Sprachlosigkeit war greifbar.
His pain was tangible.
Sein Schmerz war greifbar.
His fury was almost tangible.
Sein Zorn war greifbar.
You have no tangible proof?
Einen greifbaren Beweis haben Sie nicht?
Its scent was a tangible thing.
Sein Geruch war greifbar.
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