Traduzione per "is doing" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
She is doing her school prep.
Sie macht gerade Hausaufgaben.
Adaobi is doing her bachelor's in London."
Adaobi macht gerade ihren Bachelor in London.
"Whatever he's doing, he's doing it, and doing it right.
Was immer er auch da macht, er macht es, und er macht es richtig.
You do what you do.
Jeder macht das, was er macht.
But what were you doing? What was he doing?
Aber was macht ihr da? Was macht er?
He was doing it slowly but he was doing it.
Er machte es langsam, aber er machte es.
What to do, what to do?
Was sollte er tun, was sollte er tun?
“Keep doing what we’re doing … or do what they’re doing.” “Huh. Interesting.
»Weiterhin tun, was wir tun … oder tun, was sie tun.« »Hm, interessant.
Do what you have to do.
Tun Sie, was zu tun ist.
and if there is anything they can do, they’ll do it-“
Und wenn sie etwas tun können, dann werden sie es tun...
Doing something for the sake of doing something!
Etwas zu tun, nur um etwas zu tun
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