Traduzione per "his current" a tedesco
Esempi di traduzione.
But his current problem was of a different nature.
Sein aktuelles Problem aber war ein anderes.
His current plan was failing.
Sein aktueller Plan war definitiv dabei zu scheitern.
Not even allowing for his current emotional state.
Besonders nicht in seiner aktuellen emotionalen Verfassung.
What connection did they have with his current business deal?
Was hatte das mit seinem aktuellen Geschäft zu tun?
You just had to follow the giggles of his current favorite.
Man musste nur dem Kichern seiner aktuellen Favoritin folgen.
He had the papers on his current quarry in his pocket.
Die Unterlagen über seinen aktuellen Fall steckten in seiner Tasche.
And so his current situation was not resting easily in his mind.
Deshalb bereitete ihm seine aktuelle Situation einiges Kopfzerbrechen.
His current credentials were in the left pocket of the suit coat.
Seine aktuellen Papiere befanden sich in der linken Tasche des Jacketts.
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