Traduzione per "enormous one" a tedesco
Enormous one
Esempi di traduzione.
An enormous one. As large as the deck of a frigate.
Ein riesiges. Geräumig wie das Deck einer Fregatte.
The building was an enormous one, rearing its lofty head fully a thousand feet into the air.
Die Kaserne war riesig, sie ragte reichlich tausend Fuß in die Höhe.
I’m actually viewing another screen, an enormous one that’s transported by of one of their disappearing hovercraft.
In Wirklichkeit schaue ich wieder auf einen Bildschirm, einen riesigen diesmal, den eins ihrer Hovercrafts herbeigeschafft hat.
“They were carrying a wooden cross, an enormous one, and a banner of the Divine Holy Spirit,” someone adds from one of the hammocks.
»Sie trugen ein riesiges Holzkreuz und eine Heiliggeist-Fahne«, fügt einer aus einer Hängematte hinzu.
It was hard and sluggish and Damon suspected that its power was being damped by proximity to the enormous one nearby, but he did manage to focus enough power to make a little light.
Sie war matt und schwerfällig, und Damon vermutete, ihre Energie werde durch die Nähe der riesigen Matrix gedämpft, aber wenigstens hatte er nun ein bißchen Beleuchtung.
On the right along the shore were the sHpways where the ships were built and beyond them the two docks, both enormous, one of them unimaginably huge.
Am rechten Küstenstreifen sah er die Helligen, wo die riesigen Schiffe heranwuchsen, und neben diesen konnte er die beiden Docks erkennen, eines davon unfaßbar groß.
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