Traduzione per "wore clothes" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
But he wore clothes when he lived here, I hope?
¿ Cuando vivía aquí llevaba ropa?
My father wore clothes like that.
Mi padre llevaba ropa de ese estilo.
Mr. Purvis was naked, though he wore clothes.
El señor Purvis iba desnudo, aunque llevaba ropa.
He wore clothes that fit him, and he slept in a room of his own.
Llevaba ropa de su talla y dormía en una habitación propia.
He wore clothes of olive drab, and his eyes were glassy.
Llevaba ropa color verde militar y tenía los ojos vidriosos.
The girl wore clothing that was diaphanous; it trailed from and might have been a part of her body.
La chica llevaba ropa diáfana que parecía formar parte de su cuerpo.
George had noticed, some time ago, that Verena sometimes wore clothes that did not suit her.
Hacía un tiempo que George se había fijado en que Verena a veces llevaba ropa que no le favorecía.
Little Conchita came from Guadalajara, Mexico, and wore clothes of mourning—for her father, Keith was told.
La pequeña Conchita era de Guadalajara, México, y llevaba ropa de duelo —por su padre, según se informó a Keith.
His wrists were tied behind him, and he wore clothes that had faded to the color of April mud.
Tenía las muñecas atadas a la espalda y llevaba una ropa que había adquirido el color del barro en abril.
She never wore clothes from chain stores, always listened to bands no one else had heard of.
Meg no llevaba nunca ropa comprada en unos grandes almacenes, siempre escuchaba a bandas musicales de las que nadie había oído hablar.
There was only one man and he was not Martin, but he looked like Martin from a distance and he wore clothes like Martin and he must have moved and walked exactly like Martin or Meg would not have been deceived.
Solo había un hombre, y no era Martin. Se le parecía de lejos, llevaba una ropa parecida a la de Martin y probablemente caminaba como él, o no habría engañado a Meg.
"Yet I was afraid they would atrophy," Toby said. At that moment the door opened and Mr. Holker appeared, followed by the gigantic Negro who wore clothes similar to those his master wore and some very white underwear.
—Y, sin embargo, temo que se hayan atrofiado —dijo Toby. En ese momento la puerta se abrió y el señor Holker apareció, seguido del gigantesco negro que traía trajes similares a los que él llevaba y ropa interior blanquísima.
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