Traduzione per "willful disobedience" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
But wouldn't that constitute a willful disobedience of the law?
—¿No constituye eso una flagrante desobediencia de la ley?
Never in my life have I seen such willful disobedience!
En cambio yo nunca había visto una desobediencia tan descarada.
She had antagonized them by her willful disobedience of their ritual expectations, and she knew that because of their royal background they could be dangerous enemies to the future.
Se había enfrentado a ellos con su voluntaria desobediencia a sus expectativas rituales, y sabía que debido a sus reales antecedentes podían ser unos peligrosos enemigos para el futuro.
In all his life he had never had an order seriously disobeyed, and it had not occurred to him that he would ever suffer willful disobedience at the hands of a woman. “She dared!”
En toda su vida no había tenido un solo caso grave de desobediencia, y nunca se le ocurrió que habría de sufrirla de la caprichosa mano de una mujer. —¡Se ha atrevido! —decía asombrado—.
In our minds, I think we children truly believed that we had summoned the visitation of the giant, that he was the manifestation of our willful disobedience, that he had been called out of the netherworld as an instrument of divine, unappeasable justice to punish us for crossing the fence into the taboo frontiers of Callanwolde.
Me parece que los niños verdaderamente creíamos que habíamos conjurado la aparición del gigante; que aquel hombre era la manifestación de nuestra desobediencia consciente; que había sido convocado para que acudiera desde el otro mundo como instrumento de la implacable justicia divina, para castigarnos por haber roto el tabú que pesaba sobre las fronteras de Callanwolde.
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