Traduzione per "wide fold" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
She arranged the wide folds of her scarlet dress so as to show it to its best advantage, and then gently lifted the dead man's head onto her lap, settling it with infinite care, as though he were asleep and she did not wish to wake him.
Arregló los amplios pliegues de su vestido escarlata, y luego levantó suavemente la cabeza del muerto para ponerla sobre su falda, con infinito cuidado, como si estuviera dormido y no quisiera despertarlo.
He still appeared to be wearing the same rust-brown double-breasted jacket, and his trousers still fell in wide folds over wide smooth solid boots, the like of which were no longer to be found in shoe-maker's shop-windows and consequently looked as if they had been sought for long and zealously.
Parecía llevar aún la misma americana de color aherrumbrado y doble hilera de botones, y sus pantalones caían todavía en amplios pliegues transversales sobre un par de botas anchas, sólidas y bien lustradas, de esas que ya no se ven en el escaparate de ningún zapatero y que por tanto parecían buscadas con mucho tiempo y empeño.
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