Traduzione per "were occupying" a spagnolo
Esempi di traduzione.
We did a thorough search of the farmhouse and based on what we could gather, they were occupying the land illegally.
Hicimos una búsqueda a fondo en la granja y basándonos en lo que pudimos reunir, estaban ocupando la tierra ilegalmente.
A Belgian biologist and a Portuguese bio-chemist were occupying guest laboratories now, and once, Martin thrilled to learn, Gustaf Sondelius had been here.
En aquel momento estaban ocupando laboratorios allí un biólogo belga y un bioquímico portugués, y en una ocasión, se enteró Martin emocionado, había estado allí Gustaf Sondelius.
Rooms were occupied, then abruptly vacated.
Las habitaciones se ocupaban y luego se vaciaban bruscamente.
the other four rooms were occupied by the owner of the hotel and his family.
los restantes los ocupaban el propietario y su familia.
The ghuls, their hunger assuaged, were occupied with outsailing the storm.
Saciada su hambre, los ghuls se ocupaban en dejar atrás la tormenta.
There Kasei and Dao and the Kakaze were occupying apartments in the little tent at Lastflow.
Allí Kasei, Dao y el Kakaze ocupaban los apartamentos de la pequeña tienda de Lastflow.
For the first time in forty years, Rattigan's tracks were occupied. "Constance,"
Por primera vez en cuarenta años, se ocupaban las pisadas de Rattigan. —Constance —susurré.
The only difference was that there were fewer of them—less than a quarter of the slots were occupied.
La única diferencia es que había menos, ocupaban menos de una cuarta parte del lugar.
The remaining places were occupied first by the men and then by the women, but never at the same time.
Los sitios restantes se ocupaban primero con los hombres y luego con las mujeres, pero siempre separados.
The latter soon had other Dorothys to think of, who occupied her time and affection as fully as Lady Mottisfont's were occupied by her precious boy.
Esta última pronto tuvo otras Dorothys en las que pensar, que ocupaban su tiempo y sus afectos tan plenamente como ocupaban los de lady Mottisfont su precioso niño.
I suppose she left it there with the Union soldiers who were occupying Arlington, I don’t know what happened to it.”
Supongo que lo dejó aquí con los soldados de la Unión que ocupaban Arlington. No sé qué le sucedió.
The Englishmen were occupied translating works of mathematics from Arabic into Latin, so they could be read by Christians.
Los ingleses se ocupaban de traducir obras de matemáticas del árabe al latín, para que así pudieran leerlas los cristianos.
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